There are certainly some that feel that way, Phaidra, but that isn’t the case for most. Looking into your recent ticket history the majority of what I’m seeing is simply a statement of “I want to speak to a GM”. While our staff would like nothing more to speak to everyone, it usually is unnecessary and often takes more time, which in turn prevents us from helping more folks.
If you are having trouble submitting a ticket, perhaps if you can give us a better idea of what your issue is we can help.
Though, delving deeper into your ticket history it seems that many of your contacts appear to be about game content and not actually anything that a Game Master can help with. Even if they were to talk to you directly.
Game Masters are not Developers, they have zero involvement in the creation or direction of the game. That is why you are directed to post on the forums. That is where feedback/suggestions would go if you wish to let the developers know that you dislike something about the game. Posting constructively there, providing specifics on what you dislike and how you would like to see something work differently is the best way to get those discussions noticed and taken into consideration.
Keep in mind, our Devs rarely will post on the forums in response, that is not what they are there for and doing so can impact ongoing discussions. However, not posting does not equate to not reading and not taking into consideration.