Cannot consistently launch WoW after today's update -- "Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION"

After today’s update, whenever I try and launch the game (whether from the launcher or launching the .exe directly) I get the “Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION” error. I realize that a lot of people were getting this error around the original launch of the pre-patch. But for many of them, it seems like they would be in-game when they would get a crash with this error. For me, the issue is that I get the error while trying to actually launch the game.

Also, if I just keep trying, I am eventually able to get the game to launch typically after 20-50 attempts. However, this is also inconsistent, and sometimes I give up before I get in.

One of the times I was able to get in, I disabled all of the new “Optional GPU Features” that seemed to be causing this issue for most of the other people who had been posting in the support forums for the past few weeks. So this seems like a new issue with today’s update.

Another oddity about this is that I’m able to launch Cataclysm Classic without any trouble. It’s just retail that’s causing a problem.

Things I have tried so far:

  • Making sure operating system/BIOS/drivers are up to date
  • Making sure all other applications are closed
  • Renaming WTF/Interface folders in order to reset them
  • Running Wow.exe as an administrator
  • Doing a “Scan and Repair”
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling WoW

I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has any advice on how to resolve this issue. Once I actually make it into the game everything seems to be working fine, and I haven’t gotten any crashes in-game.

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I am able to log in without any issues, but after 15-30 minutes of gameplay, I receive the same exception errors: ‘ACCESS_VIOLATION’ and ‘INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO’. I put in a lot of hours during early access without any problems, but this started happening today after the patch. I have a 13900k CPU. There is a post with many replies on the EU forums from people experiencing similar issues with 13900k and 14900k CPUs.

It seems to be only retail WoW for me as well. My CPU temps are normal and my system is stable, as I can have other games open and running fine while only Retail WoW crashes.

There was a bug in prepatch where you could type “thro” into the dungeon journal and it would crash the game and generate a “Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION”. There were also other memory errors in the prepatch with certain graphic settings.

Hopefully they fix this one quickly.

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Do you have a paladin in your warband with a flail mog? that has caused some issues for folks. Also I had a 14900KS that I had to RMA as I was getting a lot of errors only in WoW with no BSOD or other program crashes. There are a few threads on how to resolve the flail issues (blizz has to fix that). There are some threads about how to undervolt the processor threads (X56 seems to works). Undervolting seemed to make mine stable for about three weeks and I still had to send it back.

Long and short of it intel had bad microcode in the 13/14 gen processors and MB manufactures wanted higher bench scores so they changed from intel recommendations and bam perfect storm causing too much voltage to the processor and killing cores. There was a production issue as well in 2023 but that has been mostly solved (all that is from Falcon Northwest who built my PC and had some engineers discover some of the issue at the beginning of the year).

I would talk with the folks who either built the PC or with place you bought the processor . I know it sucks but all you can do is try a new processor or go AMD (which has a 5% failure rate on its chips with no known cause).

I’m having the exact same problems with my new PC. I also have a Falcon Northwest with an ASUS ROG Strix Z790-F motherboard and an i9 14900KS processor. I’ve contacted FNW support and we’ve updated the BIOS twice (2402 and 2503 BIOS updates) and it’s still a problem. No other game has this issue: No Man’s Sky, ESO, Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur’s Gate 3 and Diablo 4 all play just fine.

This started right after the first hotfix after launch. I was able to play the pre-launch event just fine. On hours at a time and now I’m lucky if I can play for 5 minutes before crashing. So I’m not convinced Intel and or ASUS is to blame here.

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I’ve been having this issue as well. I tried all the “fixes”, unfortunately im still crashing out about every 10-20 minutes or so. It seems like it might only be effecting people using intel processors (the newest ones). I even sent in a support ticket to blizzard stating that i have tried all the recommended steps and got back just a generic auto reply telling me to take the steps that i told them i already did, so a real person isnt even reading the help tickets. the game has been pretty unplayable. so glad i payed for this. ><;

I have been having same issues with this. I have a 14900k processor in my system. Please get this fixed. The game seems unplayable with this error always coming up and kicking me out of the game.

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I can understand where folks are coming from saying its a larger issue. I’m not saying its 100% on blizz or the 100% on the PC industry. It is just a perfect storm.

The thing is with the bios updates, it fixes the overvolting and it is not a panacea for all. If the processor already has some degradation, it will continue and really is only a matter of time before more and more issues start. For example, my new PC was fine (im posting and playing on a system that is about 8 years old) then prepatch hit and I could not log in or started to get random memory errors in game which I could not replicate and nothing made sense as I could play fine the day before. There were no driver updates, no bios/firmware changes, no blue screens no anything and nothing made sense because I was not getting any other typical signs of computer instability (an intel burn test came back with the same answer every pass). So I contacted everyone under the sun trying to figure it out. A recommendation on the fourms and something Falcon recommended was setting the specific core ratio to 56. It worked great for three weeks, then the errors started again, along with some Blue screens, crashes in FFXIV (just as a test to see if it was other games), and total system lock ups. That seemed to indicate some accelerated core damage given the errors came back after manually setting the core limits.

I would try setting the specific core ratio to 56 and if the errors start coming back, that is just about a clear of an indicator I was able to find of early processor instability.

Brief (non)update for me today.

First of all, my problem seems to be slightly different from most people’s in this thread. I only experience this error when trying to launch the game. It usually takes me about 5-15 minutes of spamming the “Play” button to get it to finally launch without an error, but once I do get in, I’ve never had it crash on me. But clearly there are a lot of different bugs going around…

Second, I have an AMD CPU, so I (hopefully) am not having any degradation issues. The fact that everything started for me exactly after installing the update to WoW on Tuesday really makes me think this is something in that update that caused a compatibility issue or something along those lines.

As for the news today, there seemed to be both a small update to retail WoW when I opened the launcher, and there was also an update to AMD’s GPU drivers [24.8.1]. I was hoping that one or the other of these updates would solve my issues, but they haven’t. In fact, it now seems to be worse, as I’ve been attempting to get into the game for ~30 minutes now and haven’t been successful. I’m not sure if things are actually worse or if I’m just getting “unlucky” with my launch attempts today.

Any advice on troubleshooting this would be much appreciated.

A little more about my PC:
Windows 11
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X

And as a reminder here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Making sure operating system/BIOS/drivers are up to date
  • Making sure all other applications are closed
  • Renaming WTF/Interface folders in order to reset them
  • Running Wow.exe as administrator
  • Doing a “Scan and Repair”
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling WoW

Hello, same problem here, updated the game 20 mins ago and can’t even stay on game more than 5m recibing a “fatal error”.
Just updates AMD drivers and problem still here.

Windows 10
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D.

And as a reminder here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Making sure operating system/BIOS/drivers are up to date
  • Making sure all other applications are closed
  • Renaming WTF/Interface folders in order to reset them
  • Running Wow.exe as administrator
  • Doing a “Scan and Repair”
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling WoW

yea same 9700k with a 2060s and constant crashes usually when trying to mine

same problem here

Just would like to clarify, I never get crashes in-game with this issue. It’s just when I try to launch the game, it fails to launch, and then the error windows pop up.

That being said, it would be amazing to have a solution to both of these issues. It seems obvious at this point that Blizzard broke something from the sheer number of people who are posting similar experiences over the past week.

Thankfully, I was just able to log in a few minutes ago after about 45 minutes of failed attempts, so at least I know that it’s still not completely broken for me. I’ll see if I do end up starting to get any in-game crashes from this point, but fingers crossed that I don’t.

It would be great to hear from Blizzard either that they know what’s going on and are looking into a fix, that they need more info and what we can provide them with, or what other troubleshooting methods we should employ if there is already a potential existing fix out there.

During the 3 hour extended maintenance 2 days ago i realised my bios was still on intel 0x125 microcode. I updated my bios for the 0x129 microcode and defaulted all settings to the intel ‘extreme’ profile ( I think it lowered current and changed some voltage settings) . Since then I haven’t had a single ‘ACCESS_VIOLATION’ or ‘INT_DIVIE_BY_ZERO’ error. Not sure why i only received issues on WoW or why it started happening only after the launch patch.

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The suggestions below are unlikely to help i9 CPU owners (you will need to disable SpeedStep + SureStep + overclocks with the tuning utility due to a problem Intel created).

  • Set render scale to 100%
  • In Graphics → Compatibility settings:
    • Disable Advanced Work Submit
    • Disable Optional GPU Features

I’m having the same problem; the game shows me the ACCESS_VIOLATION error before it starts. One way I discovered to make it work is by trying to open the game from several times (opening two instances at the same time) or leaving the error window open and launching the game again, and that way it start without any issues. The error began occurring today after a crash flying.

I have tried several things: uninstalling the game, reinstalling it from scratch, running it in safe mode, performing a clean boot, and nothing has worked.

Here are more details for 13th and 14th gen Intel processors:

Any ideas for non-Intel users? I’m (OP) still having this issue weeks later. I figured out eventually that if I don’t close out of the error prompts, then I can launch it fine by clicking “Play” in the launcher a second time. Still never get crashes in-game, still never get it to launch on the first try. It’s nice to have this workaround to actually get into the game consistently (whereas before it could take up to 10-15 minutes sometimes of repeated attempts), but it’s still strange that I’m getting a failure to launch the game on the first attempt every time.

hello all thanks for bringing this issue up,

im gonna say it like this and in no way am i bringing anyone down, i’ve been playing wow since vanilla, since i was 8 years old, i lost my first account. I’ve been almost consistently since SL Xpac, i bought almost all the other ones, so i may have had a crash in DF, but I’m like almost 99.9% positive this hasnt started happening since this xpac, but i’m i’ve crashed so many times with the inti divi by zero error and access violation, i’m actually getting angry when i think it the fact that its happened so many times that i’m starting to think it happened in DF and im pretty sure it didn’t, now me personally i love the newest xpac because they changed up alot of things, but i think it’ll always be wow.

this is happening to me in

  • -RBGS (i have 2095XP in RBGS running them as a disc priest, this season i had to restart the game 3 times, and i was scared the first time playing with someone i’ve played alot, that the game was gonna screw me)
  • -solo shuffle (I lost so many rounds because of the game spazing out with one of those two errors, i actually got into a small argument (that’s also bc some people forget the key element of 2s, 3s, or rbgs [Target Calling]) but im doing okay]
  • -random bgs
    • loading in
    • Outdoor content
      before i say some of the things i tried, and its happening in COD MW3
      Here is my system specs

Microsoft Windows 11 Home

  • Release ID: 2009
  • Version: 10.0.22631
  • Build: 22631
    13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900KF
  • Clock speed: 3000MHz
  • Description: Intel64 Family 6 Model 183 Stepping 1
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti
  • Refresh rate: 164Hz
  • Driver version:
  • Capacity: 16GB
  • Type: DDR5
  • Default clock speed: 5200MHz
  • Capacity: 16GB
  • Type: DDR5
  • Default clock speed: 5200MHz
    NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2
    Intel® Smart Sound Technology for USB Audio
    Realtek High Definition Audio

this is error is happening so much, I’m close to bringing the computer back and demanding that they give me a new computer or fix it, I’m even scared to try and get into AWC cause my computer will crash, which as I said before this was never happening before in SL or DF
So i strongly believe and COD need to fix these things and there should be more time to compete in the first AWCs if I choose to, it’s not fair though that I have top notch computer, and they don’t or they do, how did this start to happen all of a sudden, should I get a lesser of a computer to pay the price…? No but still
especially because I scanned and repaired it, I ran it with no programs open expect program running. I played wow classic and that worked fine. it’s real frustrating bc I’m a very committed wow player I love wow and anyone who makes it or made it you go, but even if has to speak to Microsoft, or intel lets fix this, and I shouldn’t be penalized for the chance to win some money bc I don’t want to get embarrassed and lose because my game crashed or I got disco’d

please even if it’s just to play again without the fear of my game being AXE’d

Thank you