Cannot connect to blizz server? Anyone else?

A couple of days ago the game got very bugged and it disconnected me. I cannot actually log in to the game. My laptop cannot communicate with Blizzards Server. I already went through the entire step by step guide.
i updated my drivers, reset the router, ran the game repair through, Deleted wow and and did a fresh install. Nothing has worked. I do not feel like the problem is on my end. My membership ended today and i don’t plan on paying for something i cannot access. Has anyone else ran into this issue?

Yeah, I am having the same problems on my end. I cannot get into WoW, Hearthstone or D3 but I can update another company’s game…

what do you mean it can’t communicate with blizzard’s server? how far are you getting or where are you getting hung up?

I’m getting to the third stage of the login process. Then I get a Blizz error. I looked up the error and went through the list blizz recommends to resolve the issue. But nothing on the list helped.

please be more specific and give more details. what is the third stage of the login process? what screen is this at? what is the blizz error? what list did you try to resolve the issue?

The 3rd stage is the connecting to game server stage. The error is WOW51900319.

that is a generic disconnection error that doesn’t give us much information about why. it can be an issue on your computer or with your internet. i’m assuming you’ve done everything listed here in the troubleshooting already as you said you have

in that case please run a winmtr. instructions here.

use the appropriate IP address from the drop down depending on your server. run it for 10-15 minutes and then post. if you have trouble posting it, try highlighting it and selecting the </> button at the top of the reply box, or use