The achievement Life on the Farm is bugged and cannot be completed.
The achievement requires you to first reach renown 12 with Hallowfall to access new quests that drop from mobs and treasure chests around Hallowfall, one of the quests is given to you when you loot The Lost Diary from chests, however as soon as you loot the diary you are given the quest to turn in the Expedition Tinderbox which isn’t even part of the achievement instead of the quest to turn in the diary.
These drops and quests are one time deals, so if you loot the currently bugged diary that toon is screwed, and you need to new character in order to loot a fresh diary.
But since it’s total RNG the only way to avoid the bug is to just not loot chests, but there are transmog and cosmetic items that also drop from chests, so you have to force yourself to not loot chests and miss out on those until whatever bug with The Lost Diary item is fixed.
Very annoying when it’s your last one left for the achievement, and you are still hunting for arathi tabards and cloaks.