I’m having the same infuriating problem. Switched from Night Fae to Kyrian almost an hour ago. I did find another post about it with a blue response here. Unhelpful, but our plight is noticed.
Also experiencing the same issue with no response for 3 days now…
same bug to change covenat
I’ve never been so mad at this game before in my life and I’ve been playing 15 years giving this company so much of my money and I have loved shadowlands so far and have had nothing but good things to say about it but THIS bug is making me want to up and quit the game. My MAIN is stuck on renown 1 and can’t continue on to get soulbinds/conduits. And for how long? No one knows? This has been going on for DAYS over on an EU post with 1 blue post saying to ‘log out in oribos’ and most tickets are getting the general response of abandon the quest and try again like we haven’t tried that 50 times already? Blizzard get this fixed. This is literally game breaking for a character that can’t progress into their own covenant. I have raid tonight and I was planning on spending all day catching up on renown but now I can’t even do that.
Same Issue.
same here glad we can swap covenants…oh wait we cant hahah no conduits, no gaining more renown to catch up GG blizz
Is this even a priority? This bug has been interfering with gameplay in a major fashion for several days.
lets roll out covenants its brilliant! Then lets not let people even use them! Even better idea!
So update, I was standing in front of the NPC while I was setting up my kids xbox and looked down and the NPC disappeared. When he reappeared the quest was above his head so I immediately turned it in. There was no quest after that and my campaign says to “Complete the Quest ‘A calling in Bastion’ to continue the campaign.” But I don’t see this quest anywhere.
same spot I have no calling to complete but it wants me to lol all I want is my conduits
I found a solution - you just have to do X amount of storyline quests in bastion - the gatamos line and a few others in the southern portion of the zone - I’m not sure how much of it was required, but it fixed it for me. (did this on my DH after switching from venthyr to kyrian and getting stuck at Haephus)
I did most of bastion leveling
I also did all of Bastion leveling, it’s the only zone i completed fully actually lol but I can go look around
i had the same thing got to talking to the guy now it wants me to do quest a calling in bastion but there is no calling
Same here, at least it’s 1 step forward. At this rate should have campaign doable by the end of the xpac