Cannot complete BFA Alliance War Campaign because of Shadowlands phasing: Anduin is missing from throne room

Nope. I changed to an alt and noticed Anduin was in a side room now for starting Tides of Vengeance but he’s not there, nor is he on the throne, for trying to turn in “An End to the Killing”.


its fixed as well now i just did the quest on 2 toons today

This is still broken for me for the quests An End to the Killing and An Unwelcome Advisor… :frowning: Cannot complete BFA Alliance War Campaign because of Shadowlands phasing: Anduin is missing from throne room - #21 by Sagerage-argent-dawn


So is mine :frowning:

If you group up with a lower level character pre BFA, And phase groups with level sync he should appear. Worked for a friend of mine when I logged onto a toon that was lvling through Northrend.

This needs some context. It doesn’t work with every pre-BFA character, and I can’t tell what the rules are for which characters allow this phasing hack to work. It also doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to interact with Anduin for every one of your quests. In my case, I had to get my friend to swap between a few characters and enable party sync before he showed up, and when he did show up, I was only able to complete An Unwelcome Advisor before Anduin was replaced once more by Turalyon.

So, I still can’t finish An End to the Killing :cry:

From what I’ve read, this seems to be a problem with any quest (or available quest) where Anduin is not in the throne room. I had the same problem trying to do “An Unwelcome Advisor” because I hadn’t picked up that “Consoling the King” Legion quest where you have to find him in the cathedral. I finished that whole quest line and he was back. This would also explain why it’s not a high-priority fix for them.

Make sure you don’t have any ongoing or available quests where Anduin is somewhere other than on the throne. May require some research if you’re already well into a quest line and it’s not obvious that he wouldn’t be there because of it.

Can confirm that party syncing with someone that doesnt have the bug will fix this issue!

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Problem: I wanted to turn “An End to the Killing” but Anduin was not on the throne.

Abandon the quest “An Unwelcome Advisor”.

As it turns out, one must complete a portion of Maiev’s quests (who is in the room next to the throne room) to make Anduin appear. Her first quest is “On Whispered Winds”. However, another problem occurred. Maiev did not appear either. I realized I had a 2nd quest for Anduin, “An Unwelcome Advisor”. I abandoned it and Maiev appeared. I spoke with her, did her quest, then Aduin appeared. Voila.

Yeah this quest “An End to the Killing” is still problematic for those of us that have completed the Darkshore quest chain or do not have “An Unwelcome Advisor” to remove from our quest logs. The Alliance BfA campaign cannot be completed due to this oversight. Level syncing isn’t working either. Today’s patch only (supposedly) fixed players that were having trouble with the legendary cloak chain “An Unwelcome Advisor”.

I have unwelcome advisor and its still broken on my character. So its still not fixed.

Have both “An Unwelcome Advisor” and “The Fallen Lion” both unable to be turned in because Anduin is nowhere to be found. I have also completed the Darkshore questline.

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I was guided to the correct path to fix my issue. I had to complete the quest chain “The King’s Path” from Legion before he would show up for me. Good luck to you guys.

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This is also what fixed the issue for me. It looks like I had half completed the chain at some point. Once finished he showed up in the keep.


Check wowhead is a total crap answer. When your car breaks down, the dealer doesn’t say check the internet and see if there is a fix or take it to another repair shop. If Blizzard wants to use WoWhead as their support desk they need to pay wowhead for their service.

Sadly Chromie time can’t help with this. You can’t be in Chromie time once you hit level 50, it kicks you out a min after you ding. That is why they put back in the ability to turn off your XP, incase you wanted to finish the story line while in Chromie time.

There must be some intricate phasing going on. I had one toon that was able to do the Unwelcome Advisor but got stuck on the next part with Foehammer until I did the darkshore quest line to unphase that next room. Then another toon, like many of you, has no Anduin on the throne to talk to, only High Exarch Turalyon.

As a quick fix, they just need to give Turalyon Anduin’s quests while hes gone. Alternatively they need to phase the area to pre SL if you have one of Anduin’s quests to turn in.


Same here they told me we are too busy to help on a quest issue!!

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This crap is burning me out.

Well, I had the issue where I was trying to complete Ready For War and Turalyon was on the throne. I have already started Threads of Fate as well, so I thought it was kinda hopeless, but then for some reason I tried abandoning Tides of War, which was so peculiar because I couldn’t even see anyone in the war room for that quest either. However, that did end up being the solution for putting him back in the throne room for me.
I hope that helps

Same here…anyone figure out what is causing this?