Cannot access cross-realm guild bank

Even my own realm bank isn’t working right. I withdrew 100k gold to start purchasing warband tabs…the guild bank money log said the gold has been withdrawn, but it never showed up on my character, and now looks like everything is frozen. And this is on a low pop realm (Earthen Ring).

Edit: Money is now out of the guild bank but NOT on my character. Looks like I just lost 100k. :frowning:

This is a personal guild with all three characters being on Earthen Ring.


In the War Within Beta forums. I can’t find other official comments immediately but I’m sure I read possible a 11.0.2 Patch.


We’re no longer supposedly in beta, so that SHOULDN’T apply here. I will say however that they’re absolutely pushing this turd out way too early. Clearly needs more development time.

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I am having the same issue.

Adding another comment to le pile: I have been able to get past this error on exactly 2 characters by grabbing my guild tabard and questing them up to revered with the guild. Not sure if it was coincidence but it happened twice in a row for a toon on Illidan and one on Zangarmarsh for a bank on Alexstrasza. To note: Both are horde and the initial guild was also horde, I haven’t attempted on an off realm alliance yet.


Link or not, it’s BROKEN!

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any ETA on the fix for this?

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i’m also getting permission errors trying to access the gbank on toons that are officers, but don’t have rep. didn’t see anything anywhere saying that was a requirement, so unless i missed it, seems like a bug.