Cannot access Amirdrassil RF

I have been playing my character all the way through the DF storyline, took a break before amirdrassil, and tried to do the RF last night, but was unable to, despite FINISHING the story campaign quests, and having the appropriate ilvl, anyone know a fix for this issue? I’ve tried relogging several times.

Update. It’s magically better post-maint, I can only assume the UI error was caused by the same error everyone else was getting.


What does “cannot” look like? Are you being prevented from queueing by the LFR user interface? Are you queueing but the group never forms?

It just straight up doesn’t show up in the UI, my UI looks the same as it did months ago, just the two raids. It’s bizarre.

So the Amirdrassil raid instances don’t even show up in the LFR UI? Interesting.

I’m trying to remember what prerequisites there might be to unlocking the raid, but nothing comes to mind.

So far people’s advice has been, open a ticket and hope maintenance fixes whatever broke.

There have been glitches in the LFR interface.

Try queueing for a random BG and then switch back to the LFR queue.

Edit: I knew I remembered that … here’s an exampls

I had to que for a random bg and cancel it two times and after that the LFR UI threw a LUA error, so I clicked ‘reload UI’. Working fine since then.

Hmmm, hopefully that works, I tried a console reloadui a few times and it didn’t work.