Cancelling my sub

Putting my money where my mouth is. You’ve just significantly handicapped the majority of my guild. We’ve got lads who will not be able to get online in time to avoid the queue by our raid time’s and we have early raid times in comparison to the rest of the server! WTF are Blizzard thinking. its 2pm on a Sunday and there is a 1 hour queue already. By 6pm its going to be 3+ hours.

I am not interested in paying for this game if we cant have zero queue’s What is the point in paying for a game you have to sit in queue to play.


Nothing Blizzard can do. They’re a small indie games studio & cloud resources are prohibitively expensive.


Going to be doing the same.
Nice work bliz keep up that community engagement


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Small update. We were 2x MT’s short for our AQ40 last night, with them paying for a game service but to be met with a 250+ minute queue meaning blizzard directly inconvenienced 40 people and likely ruined there plans.


Blizzard are a multi-dollar company. Do you have any ideas on what they could do to fix this situation?