Cancelled my sub ill rejoin you in Prepatch!

i cancelled my sub i ran out of stuff to do i still love wow but im kinda bored atm ill be back! ill miss you guys! dont burn another world tree without me hordies!!! dont do another dalaran purge with me gone alliance! love yall see you soon!!

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Enjoy DT if that’s what you’re up to.

So you cancelled your sub for 17 days? (most likely)

Well, have fun during your break!


If we follow the lore The next thing we are closest to burning is the hearts of the alliance members with scorching love

See you in a couple weeks

Go without Starbucks for two days and keep the sub.

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If they aren’t playing, and they like Starbucks, they should get the Starbucks.


I worked there as a teenager, grossly overpriced lol.

You can make those same drinks at home for about 10% or less, of the price they charge you, with the raw ingredients lol.

An iced chai latte is like $7 from there.

A container of chai concentrate, a half-gallon, can cost about $25. And then buy $4 gallon of milk, add ice.

That’ll make you like 20+ drinks alone lol. It’ll last a while.


Im like you, nothing to do, i lvled up all classes i didnt not have yet to 70, through remix. And even the ones i did have, just for transmogs. But i have a 1 year sub :man_shrugging:

See you in next month

DF in a nutshell.


I’m in awe of the people that go to Starbucks and spend that money on “okay” coffee. The lines in the first place…

Dunno why ya told us, but have a good one!

This is why I never go out for drinks unless its a specific social event.

A place will charge you 12 bucks for a large glass of Chardonnay and then you look up the bottle price and it’s 15 bucks. Its even worse for mixed drinks or cocktails.


Isn’t the attraction of Starbucks getting a diabetes-inducing amount of sugar in your coffee? (not that I’m much better, I put way too much hazelnut creamer in my coffee when I make it)


Best reason to cancel! See you in a few weeks. Enjoy the break.

Isn’t the prepatch in a few weeks?

This guy has obviously never had a Starbucks latte. No one in their right mind would say something like that.

Pretty sure we’re burning down the new tree tomorrow. Looks like you’ll have just missed it.

I learned coffe creamer + added spices taste just as good. Haven’t gone to Starbucks in over a decade.

I hope the pre-patch will be worthy of your resub.