Just go to your bank and have them credit the money back to your account. Thankfully I have consumer protection on my bank account. No questions asked credit back for bad services. The bank than argues with the bad company. You do not have to.
First off, this was better than the real launch was… And blizzard flat out said what happened today, was very likely going to happen.
I love how you people are getting butt hurt, for a product thathas cost blizzard a good chunk of change which only a fraction of the people slamming it today will continue to play after the first few days/weeks… They planned capacity around where they expect the player base to normalize… Thats it, thats all…
They already have six to seven hour ques, on top of them being pvp only servers. The idiots are releasing more pvp servers then pve servers.
Actually I remember them saying at Blizzcon they would learn from their past mistake. Make sure they released enough servers to not have bad Que times. Due to the demand for classic.
so you’re friends aren’t good enough to change servers with you ;p
No, they have flat out said they expect initial demand to be extremely high but they will have a balanced number of servers to ensure community numbers stay at healthy numbers once the initial demand levels out…
Well if they keep adding them and they continue to fill up id guess there is a greater demand for pvp servers than pve. Did Old Blancy ever fill up? Last i checked it was still only medium pop.
Uh…yeah? I’ve never known an instance where they’ve given it back lol. Should’ve done what I did. I’m ‘subless’ at the moment and like you, I’m 50/50 on the idea of trying. I held off though and figured I’d check the forums first.
However, even with the knowledge I have now, I’m sill inclined to give it a shot but I’ll sub up a little later. There’s no real rush, to jump straight on.
LOL he cancelled his account for no good reason.
Okay? It was rough for most of us but its pretty decent now. I’ve just went from two servers and it wasn’t bad at all. If you are trying to get on a really full pop still thats on you. But you’ll be back. You always come back
“I’m going to quit playing because I can’t play.”
I like that logic, thanks for the spot up in queue homeboy.
he has basically just donated $15 to blizz without them ever having to do anything, we should be thanking him lol
Entitled to have access to the product they paid for in some sort of reasonable time frame. 10 hour queues are not reasonable. That’s failure to provide the service they were paid to provide. Being aware of when you are being screwed is something fanboys arent capable of because your blizzardhole already looks like a windsock.
so are you quitting then?
You know, it feels very strange to see the classic forums running around pre-launch saying things like
-“classic is going to be amazing”
-“classic is going to have a huge number of players”
-“classic is going to beat retail”
then seeing threads like this. Like, we have extreme positivity then extreme negativity.
can I have your copper
First “I’m cancelling my account” thread of Classic WoW! Can we please get this stickied?
These forums are more enjoyable than BfA.
Be careful. Ants may crawl up your leg to get that candy rear of yours eye roll
Some of you people need to relax a bit. It’s the first night of launch of course everyone is clamoring to play right now. Wait a few and things will smooth out and more servers will be opened. It’s like a bunch of toddlers that just kick and scream if they don’t get what they want right now.