might just give them to my son to play. idk.
17 hours left.
Happy New Year everyone, and I’ll see you all later.
bye frand. Try out Sleeping Dogs next. Old game but its pretty fun IMO.
I might be back sooner than I expect. Got two 60 day game cards after all.
We will see…we will see.
Good talking to you all. Almost 100% chance I’ll be returning within 2021.
Farewell Salhezar! Even though I been playing more in game and haven’t been on the forums around, you’re still a cool dude regardless our differences.
Would you believe I havent been unsubbed since 05 when I started?
Yeah I believe it.
I have had Amazon unlimited music for about 2 years now and I don’t think I’ve ever used it…but I keep forgetting to cancel it.
This werewolf guy seems like such a woofer.
What kind of fool cancels his sub, announces it to the world, and then uses a game card to play again?
/looks around sheepishly
Hell frand,
How does it feel to get an asus 3080 before they jacked up the price by an additional $100
Smug. Best word to describe.