"Cancel Culture" is not real. Its literally just the free market working like its supposed too

You do understand you guys are throwing a fit because people are against racism, right?

It’s not making you guys look good trying to act like it’s about anything else.

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Has been said by literally every generation about the next. Congrats, you are exactly the same as your grandparents!

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During a workshop for teachers back in the nineteen seventies there was a module where the participants were going to discuss common works of literature and how best to present them to students. Participants would need copies of the works but could bring them from their school rather than having to buy a copy when they arrived.

The first assignment involved reading then discussing passages from William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. Confusion ensued as some participants couldn’t find lines others were reading in their texts. It turned out that copies of Shakespeare’s plays available in school texts are censored, certain passages having been found to be unacceptable by the state of Texas, and others by California.

tantrums or a throwing a fit are the people who attack on Twitter
who cancel a male character without first comparing other female characters that they did the same and cannot be condemned for their reprehensible acts.

in attacking people who only seek true freedom of expression without the need for you to enter oppressive social movements that are only toxic populists that only increase their ego taking advantage of true minorities.

Forcing any character to be of color no matter that in the end they are doing the same thing that Hollywood did before for 30 years.

wreak havoc just to express a measure of freedom to people who are not involved and force it with violence.

in forcing to become an LGBT couple regardless of the true meaning of friendship and love rather than gender.

in canceling stereotypes from other countries that, even though it is funny, is a special part of each country in the world, and making ourselves different makes us special and unique so that we can share in harmony with the rest of the world.

Tell me: you don’t know how much hypocrisy there is in your post?

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"1) A quick thread on what we, in TV writing, call the Idiot Ball. This is a term used to describe when one character, in order to make the show work, has to behave, uncharacteristically, like a complete idiot. It is usually a different character each week.

  1. This term was coined, I heard, by actor Hank Azaria, who was complaining about a show he was on and asked “who’s carrying the idiot ball this week?” The modern conservative intellectual movement is now reduced to passing around the idiot ball.

  2. Dr. Seuss is this week’s idiot ball, and in order to be part of the show, you have to carry it. You have to make bad faith or stupid arguments to be part of the show. The difference is, now, everybody has to pass the idiot ball around, all episode.

  3. Freedom Fries. Antifa. Dr. Seuss. Millions of missing ballots. Neanderthals. Ordinarily smart people have to pretend to be earnestly dumb and make idiotic arguments about each of these, or be tossed from the show.

  4. Ross absolutely knows that this was a decision by the rights holder to pull books with illustrations which are racist by even lax standards. This is their right, and is actually just smart capitalism. But he has to carry the Idiot Ball.

  5. So now, you have the shorthand. Whenever you hear some ridiculous fake scandal or outrage, you can just chalk it up to “Oh, it’s this week’s Idiot Ball” and it says everything you need to know about both the subject, and the person carrying it.

  6. But remember, the ball’s just the ball. The person carrying it’s the idiot."

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If The Cancel Cultural Crowd Keeps It Up…Eventually Some Forms Of Reeducation Camps Will Be Created


There been talk about it. David Atkins a top democraft from CA tweeted out that he wanted Trump supporter in Put in Re-Education Camps.


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And in the end how do you conclude this tell me?

or some Internment camp, remember The Fairly OddParents.

From what I see it will no longer be with Trump, since Biden will deceive everyone who is doing something different while carrying out his oppressive measures. I see that that’s probably an example.

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Oh wow, my post really did get removed despite being civil and breaking literally no rules. Removed for being “inappropriate”. Cancel culture at work right before my eyes.

The term was originally formed in PoC circles (most prominently twitter) and does not always refer to racially motivated acts. Chik-fil-a, r kelly, michael jackson - very diverse cast of reasons with differing levels of bad. further text removed to avoid cancellation /s

But there’s also another issue and perhaps the biggest. You see, a lot of people are selective with what or who they want to cancel, going along with their views. There was a new york times journalist, for example, who was fired after racist commentary surfaced (towards PoC). In his place, they hired redacted. Not long after its found out she made derogatory and racist statements towards people of European descent. Examples include redacted.

I also wrote in another post about the vice mayor of Charlottesville, who made similar statements towards people of Europe descent (on top of sexist and homophobic statements) and was defended by people of jacobin leaning. It was one of the precursors to the protest that happened. Online shaming which creates cancel culture does not just target the justifiable baddies, they’re selective in who they do it to, they target innocents examples redacted and create a divisive society.

imo much of whats being cancelled should be hidden from public eyes like in many EU countries. It should not be up to the people to play social executioner.

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No one is saying you aren’t allowed to personally have those views: however, your views are just that: your views. At the same time, you can’t complain about people having a problem with your views and then turn around and do the same thing to them (try to “cancel” them).

Also, I don’t think personal religions should come into lawmaking at all.

Racism is not okay. Being LBGTQ is perfectly fine.

This is a yes or no kind of thing. A good example of this is when an author gives a clear view as to how a character looks and if it’s an issue later in the series. The perfect example of this was for the movie The Dark Tower.

Anyone that has read that series and knows the dynamics of the racial tension in the second book would understand why Idris was mistakenly cast for that role. He could have pulled off Randall Flagg though.

That’s honestly the only time I have an issue with that. If that dynamic didn’t take place in the second book, the casting wouldn’t have bothered me as much because Idris did an excellent job with the script he was given (there were many issues with that movie).

No one’s forcing you to do anything. If you see it as someone forcing you, then YOU’RE the issue, not them.

If the Woke crowd was ever to read “Farnham’s Freehold” by Robert A. Heinlein… we would see a wave of head explosions more massive than anything since the first Kingsmen movie…

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Okay, I have no problems, getting used to being tolerable agrees.

But nevertheless it is a pity that people do not think the same in that way, especially what they are in entertainment.

It is one thing to express all kinds of diversity and inclusion without being a very offensive funny stereotype or undermining one medium and eliminating another being the same result that I did not want to be intolerable.

and another would be to use forcing a means by ego, greed and minority arrogance that has nothing to do with tolerance with minorities in their own ego and ambition, as I said the SJW and the same entertainment in video games, anime, series, movies and music as if it were to strangle the goose that lays the golden eggs as Disney does in his franchise.

That is why it is very annoying, people who want to prohibit in the name of tolerance without knowing that they are doing the same oppression that they themselves did not tolerate in the past.

They will be professionals of excellence, experts in their career or in a branch that stands out sociologically in behavior, to never know in their disgusting life they did not see a cartoon such as Pepe le pew knowing that:

He was the worst character in Looney Toons because of a charged character whose joke was the same skunk confusing a cat just because of the painted tail, there is no chemistry in any of this.

until he hit his karma in this scene.

And now he says that this is politically incorrect. What is the cat doing?

It was already canceled a long time ago about a deleted scene in Space Jam 1 where Grecie Santo slapped the harassing skunk, and incidentally spoke that he had a restriction order due to his cartoon and to top it off it was censored for a moment that the actress was furious in A moment that I wanted to speak out against harassment, so that you can see how it affects this kind of toxic people that does not serve for anything more than promoting oppression and censorship, which ends up being tolerant, makes it intolerable nothing else.

That is why it bothers a lot, it is not based on tolerance in the end, only on people who want to return a gray world without emotions, difference and affection in characters that are already as we have seen it, it cannot change when the internet anticipates us in knowing really to the characters that they are.

That is why television and entertainment sources have taught us a lot regardless of whether it is tolerable or not, unlike these charlatans who so many books were useless and the worst we do not know how much power it has to influence entertainment media are manipulated and obviously always for money.

They are just angry rabble left to die due to their own ignorance and it does not help anything to a tolerable and acceptable world for all tastes in the world.

Another Example is Mr and Mrs Potato, come on… do you know the first mr. potato are only accesories.

the only thing you needed was a potato nothing more.


What’s more, they are talking about diversity showing that they have no imagination, they ARE RIDICULOUS.

However Dark Tower is one of the worst movies based on Stephen King’s books, a fact of doing an example as it was with Will Smith in Men in Black is a successful fact.

Another case in which it fails as it was with Thompson in Men in Black international, because now everything affects, and the internet is what makes that sensation not make the public become fond of before they know the result, as well as that the product does. totally disposable in a time that we live like this, it may be that it is a box office, but now it is also not a cult one to say:

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Am i the only one that has no idea what the hell Ifelixi ever says?


i don’t but i won likes no problems, as you would also make an effort yourself to understand me a little what I say, just as I make an effort to speak another language.

geez… be more tolerable to you.

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You what book haven’t been canceled?


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My ONE issue with inclusivity is how poorly its been done by most entertainment so far…

Changing the race of existing characters, creating inclusive characters who’s sole purpose is that and lack any form of being an actual character, mary sues, etc.

And most of the time you can tell they did it just for social points, like with Fynn from Star Wars, he had the most potential, yet he is demoted to comic relief and there was also that thing about the poster.


The copyright expired at the end of 2015 and it entered the public domain, so there is no publisher with the right to stop printing of the book.

Amazon banned the book in 2020, then rescinded the ban a week later. Amazon has banned some publications in the past including books by David Duke, books that claimed they contained cures for autism, and books that contained misinformation about the coronavirus.

that’s true, and don’t make me remember what iconic characters from the series like Han Solo, and the Skywalkers brothers did… no… in fact, just one phrase was enough to destroy an entire generation of a single family for a woman who never wanted to be part of them.

That is why the J.J. Abrams with the other director who did episode 8 and the differences and disputes that he affected in many of the plots of various characters that made that trilogy showed that the director is a threat to Hollywood and the seventh art itself and that he is only there as a director only for a ambition for money and nothing regarding the art of cinema.

It is because Superman is already doomed with this director before superstition affects the director or to the new actor just for expressing an inclusive message to Hollywood.

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It should be pointed out at some point that, although these things come and go, and standards of outrage change over time, the desire to change the rest of the world into our own image is not new.

According to Bob Clampett who created the cartoon bird Tweetie Pie, in 1945 he had to change it from pink (originally a newly hatched bird with no feathers) to a yellow canary to satisfy censors who objected to the “naked” bird.

a chick…

but here to talk about what censorship does for inclusion is that every time it does not realize that the book “Seduction of the Innocent” by Fredric Wertham (the most hated man in comic history) is making reality.

  1. The comics were never for children: it contained very strong tones where it was compared to the classic literature of fairy tales or a Greek epic that shows the rise and fall of a hero or demi-god.

It is something that resembled a character whose superpowers also had to face real life conflicts, such as family, marriage, love, friendship among others.

which in these times does not resemble anything more than tantrums of a fat crying exem … Steven Universe.

  1. There has never been talk of inclusion, diversity in an exaggerated way, until now, which is one of the reasons why the hypocrisy of that book is becoming a reality not only in comics but also in animated series or entertainment sources, as I said, there is only one minority that has nothing to do with it, as well as a child audience that was never rightly brought to his message.

  2. the money only goes to people who take advantage of the panic: if in the 90s you were a social rejected just for liking comics, anime, video games, or some RPG like being a Geek, nerd or an otaku without a girlfriend, most of them are still rejected now social because people who defend nostalgia and credibility in the originality of the same comic or source of entertainment, are totally isolated for being ridiculously old-fashioned, out of fashion and without evolutionary change where other social groups only couple to this new hobbie just for being popular.

in when that time was the first to reject and discriminate against those social groups that were finally recognized to take advantage of outsiders who never resembled this trend.

That is why it does not fit here in this system in which a video game and movie is worth more than a literary work or an art, as well as the drastic change to new characters whose instead of showing a message of inclusion and diversity to minorities that never will arrive, only to other minorities that only take advantage of populism and hypocrisy (SJW again) so that in the end their new characters do not even reach the shadow of what were the pioneers and the fame of characters who came for general entertainment no matter what heck they are.

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