Can you tell us what's being removed when SL ends now?

At least for the stuff you already know. I would imagine a good bit of the community knows M raid mounts are being reduced in drop chance and Gladiator mounts are unobtainable after the season ends and if there is a M+ mount for the season that’ll be gone too. We know all those but is there anything else we should prioritize sooner rather than later?

I’m sure a lot of people would appreciate knowing now what their focus should be.


Well this isn’t late at all.


Not trying to be this person, but don’t they normally tell us pretty late or have I just not been paying attention?


Bruto was announced a year out, though that wasn’t enough time for everyone to amass 5m gold either :laughing:. Now they are telling people at max, 3 months out.

With these types of quests and achievements, yes. That’s how it was in BfA, as well.

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Threads arise, bump and type. Bring victory at last to this fallen write.

Just gonna skip over the 2 years huh? Guess WoTLK clasic got everyone channeling necromancy lol

If Blizz wants to be jerks and wait late to announce what’s being removed they can expect me to create and necro a thread every xpac :person_shrugging:

Jerkatude begets Jerkatude

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I mean the only thing that’d be somewhat ambiguous is Veilstrider.

Gladiator is always made unobtainable, along with the keystone master mount, then the mythic raid mount(s) are dropped from 100% to 1%.

Yep, already know that’s leaving. It’s the stuff that doesn’t leave every xpac I’m salty about.

They were kind of late with implementing Veilstrider, though, I suppose. Maybe as an easier version of the Phenomenal Cosmic Power that was done in BFA. Neat idea. Hope they do one like the BFA version in DF.

An “expansion meta” achievement for doing everything is neato.

They didn’t wait that late, though. They told us in August what would be removed in November from BfA. :woman_shrugging:t4:

That’s late too

Veilstrider existed for a long time. People have been telling us since they found it that it’d be removed. Blizz has always given us roughly three months notice on achievements being removed in new expansions.

Don’t know what more you want.

Iirc, Blizzard didn’t announce it, someone caught it in datamining, then Blizzard confirmed on their post.

Wasn’t saying you were jerk, but no reason a 2 year old thread had to be necroed. A new thread would’ve sufficed.

But not Blizzard.

And it’s never been enough time.

To know when they know.


I was :laughing:

If Blizz is going to be jerks, why should I not be?

You can expect me to make one of these threads every expansion and to necro it when they announce their removals late

Next time, heed people’s warnings, I guess? I mean, this is stuff we’ve been able to work on since like 9.2 if not longer. It’s not like they just added it. I get that people have busy lives, but this isn’t Blizzard’s fault on the timeline.

It is their fault for removing it to begin with, though. Because I think it’s a dumb decision. That achievement is a reason to go back and do content when people want something different to do.

That doesn’t sound like it will work out too well since people tend to be doomsayers, especially around here :rofl:

What difference does that make?

They could announce it so people know what to work on.

It was even posted by Wowhead and streamers, though. Not a forum thing.

That’s from May. :point_up:

Keep reading.

They did. And if you’ve been playing or paying attention, you knew and been working on it.

But I won’t cramp your style. I understand the complaint, even if I don’t agree. Continue on! I’m not helping here. :smiling_face:

:person_shrugging: That’s fine, it’s still not Blizzard.

Still don’t see it.
Doesn’t matter if it was like, Worgen starting area quests and transmog being removed that has been in the game since Cata. 3 months isn’t enough notice.

I haven’t seen any blue text saying it.

Unless it is explicitly stated then it wasn’t stated. And no one can work on everything, even the most ardent collectors I know have stuff left to do each xpac.