I can only find mix reports on and off so I just want a clear yes or no. (now watch first 10 responses be 5 yeses and 5 nos >.>)
Yes, the only appearances you cannot acquire currently are the mage tower appearances.
10 chars
Yes, outside of the Mage Tower appearances you can acquire every Legion artifact appearance and tint. And if you acquired a Mage Tower appearance you can still unlock its additional tints.
If you didn’t do mage tower for that spec, no. But if you did, and the last 3 tints are still locked, yes.
ok great because for a bit I think it was the hidden appearances that were unavable and I really wanted the unholy DK and tank DH ones. I saw most of the mage tower ones and wet…na
yes, there is only 1 locked that you could only get at the time all the rest can still be unlocked tho
So if I wanted to try and get at least the first version of the broken ashbringer skin from the mage tower I could still technically get just that just not the other recolors? If not, then what would drive me besides to try and get the mount tied to an achievement? But if I can and only the first one, then I’d be content with doing the mage tower as much as I can I tried my best in legion but ran out of time due to irl obligations and gear.
Balance of Power and Hidden are available to everyone. You just have to do the work. Mage tower is gone. But if you have the mage tower original appearance you can still get the other three colors.
and the balance of power is account bound only need to do it once
You can still acquire Hidden Artifact appearances.
I don’t mind putting in the work I just want to know if it would be worth going to the legion mage tower when it’s up, doing many attempts and hopefully completing it to get the skin. I haven’t played dragon flight yet but hearing the mage tower is up there I’m just curious is all if I should even bother doing the attempts, as I was looking online I couldnt get a clear answer.
The Artifact weapon is unobtainable if you missed it in Legion, but you will get a recolored mythic class set from Tomb of Sargeras, and Druids get the fel werebear skin.
Ah alright, thanks I appreciate the clarification.
so i have ravengaurd marksmen hunter hidden apperanace and i have no credit to the doungeouns apperance tint
You cannot get the original Mage Tower appearances as the rewards now are different. You get Legion-themed armour, a new mount and the druid tank gets a different werebear form.
As far as I am aware, the rest of the Artifact appearances are still available, particular those through Balance of Power, which is a lot easier to do now.
hidden appearence and mage tower appearence are different things