Can you please stop with the Kul'Tiran Fat Shaming?


Look up what WEIGHT LIFTERS looks like before making a pointless thread cause you just blindly slapped the obese label on the Kul Tiran, not knowing what you are talking about.


and it’s all in the face! that man edit is amazing. nothing’s wrong with the females body, it’s just her face being too soft to represent someone from a rugged area.


My issue is the large majority of kul Tirana appear to use the normal human model, it’s clear the kul tiran population is made up of multiple body types… Some people just want to play a class like druid/shaman using a human model they prefer.

For a similar comparison, the maghar orcs use the upright model and original orcs received an option to use it too, I’m not sure if maghar have a hunched option. But I don’t think offering the two human races a similar option is a big ask.


To be honest, this thread sounds like one giant avalanche of denial… if it’s not a troll thread, anyhow.


Kul’tirans are fat, there will be more furry races, and GD was a horrible place to post this.


I don’t care about there being fat Kul’Tirans. I just want to be able to make a hermit-type druid.


So much denial! Sorry sweeties you don’t have big bones, you are just fat. I don’t even care and I might switch to one, but don’t deny they are fat.


Well, it’s looking like humans are getting a wider variety of body types, facial appearances and skin tones than just about every other race in the game. I’ m not sure why some people are so bothered by having a greater variety of customization options to choose from.


God, forgive me because I have sinned.

I was wrong in complaining about the flood threads about zandalari racials, this is just outright ridiculous.

About the OP, does this random people in the internet opinions matter that much? Let them complain about Kul tirans if they don’t like. We are getting them they way they are now and this amount of whinning won’t change that.

So, people like me and you that are perfectly fine with how the look have nothing to worry about. Chill and just patiently wait for when they are released.

Kul Tirans are so fat they got a real horse on their Polo shirt.


The one on the right also has the face of a man.

They’re fat, the sooner you accept it the better.

Even IRL people keep deny it saying big boned or blablabla, fat is fat.


A few things…

Like 99% of the threads here, but this particular topic it’s an issue?

First, the assumption that everyone that is not thin/fit (fat) wants to play them. As someone that is not thin/fit (fat), I don’t want to play them, of course, I don’t expect to speak for anyone else but myself, but the broadness statement kind of bugged me.
Second, you’re talking as if everyone that is not thin/fit (fat) cares or feels insulted… almost as if you’re trying to project the fact on you personally finding offense on this on everyone else.

Yes, it is very much about “being offended”. You’re letting it offend you, either because you felt personally attacked, or you’re getting offended over someone else.

Offense it’s not given, it’s taken. If complaints about something in this game flooding the forums, something that happens every single time something new comes up, prompted you to post this, then you were offended.


As you pointed out the lack of muscle tone makes the females look bad. But proportions are bad and the face lacks definition as well.

Fan edited models and husky models from other blizzard games look better then what we currently mite get.

Players should be pointing this out. If you like them as is that’s fine. People can play what they please.

People are too easily butthurt over silly things. Get thicker skin people.

If the character creator wasn’t a fossil and had proper sliders we would have more choices.

Blizz could also allow visual mods. Let the modding community do a ton of work saving blizz time and money.


I think people were expecting skinny kul tirans to be available as well. Now, that it’s just…well covered…Kul Tirans that are the only model type available, people are upset.

Just another beta experience for the developers of Beta for Azeroth.


I don’t think OP directed this at the people just asking for more options.


I’d love to have an option to farm dyes in the game to change color of gear. Maybe even make them match other pieces to create a true masterpiece xmog. That could be a mini game that I could spend hours on. Same with character customization if they opened that up.


You and me both. More options the better in my eyes.


If you don’t like the threads why do you read them? Genuinely asking here. I do not understand the logic behind wanting to mass silence people saying things I don’t like.