Can you please fix the bug causing 60+ minute Timewalking Queues?

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I know it’s not an actual thing because my friends have 10-15 minute DPS queues for Timewalking. But I’m sitting at 60+ minutes, as are a few of my other friends, and a bunch of other people in the Bug Report forum.

This is seriously unacceptable.

Not to mention for the 5th time in a row, my Timewalking queue popped while I was fighting Warden deep in the War Creche and I had to cancel the 60+ minute queue because I was, well, deep in the War Creche. 5th time. In a row. If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone was messing with me. Jeez.


your friends are lvl 70 also when they sign up?

maizou you needs calm down.

Why would you sit in a queue that shows 60 minutes? I’d just cancel it and try again a little later to see if it’s the same.

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This is happening to my 62 warlock too, only managed to get in one TW dungeon today after 45 minutes waiting…

Time walking… more like time WASTING hue hue hue… /die

(PS: Seriously fix it, I want to pump out one more 70 before DMF ends tonight reeeeee!)

Try /reload. Apparently that might help.

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Yes. It also happens in 60-70.

Same thing happens. It’s been happening since this last week.


Weirdly I only had issues when I tried to queue with a friend and we were both DPS. 30+ min queues

Yet all day I did dungeons just fine solo. My feral druid got queue pops within 5 mins, was crazy.

Did you try /reload?

Agreed! Im on bleeding Hollow trying to finish my Horde characters and This started last nite for me. I was wondering what in the world. Trade said just re-queue. Thank God for intuition and looking on the forums. Sweet Lord Blizzard please fix this soon !!! I still got to do my alliance characters!

This started for me last night @ one point it was over 30 minutes. I also re-queued but still the time was long. Same for right now.

Woah. Did you leave the council of the community :crazy_face: :thinking:

It’s a year-long thing.

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Did you try /reload ? If so, did it work?

I’m trying to see if this helps so I can pass it along.

Also, the fish boss in the one dungeon has been bugging all week. No loot or credit for killing him. Just glad it doesnt affect the 5tw