Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I know it’s not an actual thing because my friends have 10-15 minute DPS queues for Timewalking. But I’m sitting at 60+ minutes, as are a few of my other friends, and a bunch of other people in the Bug Report forum.
This is seriously unacceptable.
Not to mention for the 5th time in a row, my Timewalking queue popped while I was fighting Warden deep in the War Creche and I had to cancel the 60+ minute queue because I was, well, deep in the War Creche. 5th time. In a row. If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone was messing with me. Jeez.
Agreed! Im on bleeding Hollow trying to finish my Horde characters and This started last nite for me. I was wondering what in the world. Trade said just re-queue. Thank God for intuition and looking on the forums. Sweet Lord Blizzard please fix this soon !!! I still got to do my alliance characters!