Can you play WOW and other games at the same time?

Depends on what I’m doing. Currently I play a lot of LoL and a bit of warframe on the side. When I go back to work, it’ll depend. If I have AotC by then I’ll probably still play stuff on the side. If not I’ll probably focus more on WoW.

I used to. But lately I’ve to focus 100% of my free game time on WoW since I need every bit of time to farm enough gold for the brutosaur. I’ve barely even touched 8.3 content even ;__;

I play wow and ESO.
Right now, ESO is running neck and neck.
SL’s might change that, hopefully.

I actually find I enjoy WoW more when it isn’t the only game I play. I’ve gone through stretches where I play nothing but WoW and eventually I get burned-out and don’t want to play at all for a while. By continually mixing in another game or two (usually single player), I’ve found that I am far less likely to burn-out on WoW. I’m sure this doesn’t hold true for everyone, but it definitely works for me.

I normally juggle FF14 and WoW together since I normally get bored often enough in WoW.

I play three actively and one sometimes, WoW isn’t even my main game. It can be done.

I’m like you Brul, I only play one game at a time. I also keep my classes simple because of the way I am.

Other MMOS, no. I’ve failed at that managing that many times.

Other games? Yes. I take WoW breaks for other games all the time.