Yes, you can make a living playing video games. And therein lies the rub. You can potentially make a living playing wow alone, but you have to be prepared (like any other business owner would), to have down times, and that may require you to switch to other games, in order to retain audience (we are assuming through streaming, because realistically, that is the “easiest” way to earn income playing).
The other big thing about it is the starting point. Streaming, gaming, and really entertainment in general, have a potential for unlimited earning, but a HUGE bell curve in the beginning. This means, you have to 1. Go all in, and pour unhealthy amounts of hours into the endeavor to get traction; and 2. be prepared for a LONG (more than a year easily), period of non-profitability before you get that snowball rolling and let exponential / compound growth to take place.
That is why as mentioned above by others, 99.9% of people should not do it, or will not do it. It’s a high risk, high reward that almost always ends in bad risk with no reward.
Let’s not even get into the hours calculation, for gaming vs. video editing vs. diversification of social medias, marketing, etc. etc. etc. These successful streamers “look” like basement dwellers, but in reality it is a legitimate business that requires legitimate business practices to run, for the most part.
I live off less than $1500/month so it would be making a living to me Sadly I hate speaking (vocally) and I wouldn’t do anything, M+ or Torghast for instance, just for views and my normal gameplay is boring as boring can be (for viewers I of course enjoy it).
Wonder if they were doing weekly resets like Blizz
I wonder what Blizz would do if there were a surge of players What if 20m people started playing wow everyday, would sharding handle it? Hopefully they wouldn’t have the bright idea of making more realms
The major problem with anything like WoW becoming your career is that, like any job, you’re doing things you don’t like. WoW is a lot of fun when it’s not a job because you do what you want and when you want.
If its your job, and you want to eat and pay rent, you’re doing content people want, not content you like.
There are legal ways - such as streaming and taking part in an esports team. And there are illegal and dangerous ways. Other than that I know of no way to make a living playing WoW.
I never understood why Blizzard doesn’t endorse certain streamers and even pay them. Some of them carry a lot of weight with some of the WoW population.
Theoretically you can make money at any hobby if you do it right. The chances of succeeding might be low, but they’re always there. I think this new internet streamer fad has a lot of people jazzed up that suddenly it’ll be “easier” to “make it” as an “influencer” as opposed to being an oldschool “celebrity” but I’d guess, and it’s just a hunch, both situations while possible are not very likely at all for the vast majority of people.
I myself have tried my hand at writing as well as music, and never made a dime off any of it. Plus in my maturity I don’t think much of it was that good to begin with. But you have dreams, sometimes you just gotta reach for them I guess.
Most streamers that make good money are selling friendship/community to people that want for that kind of thing and WoW is just their foot in the door, so to speak. So yes, and no.