Can you lose Trust Level 3 without Blizzard notifying you?

lvl 3 isn’t needed though either - I personally would like an actually number of posts made requirement in there because someone can post once and provided they get enough likes for that post they are eligible for lvl 3 and there is no way that is a guarantee that person knows the rules or can follow them with that number of posts

You can’t just post once and be eligible for TL3.

As mentioned below, the required minimum post counts are 10.

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oh so 10 times, that makes all the difference.

You said you “personally would like an actually number of posts made requirement in there”.

There is.
Whether or not you like the fact or think that 10 posts are enough or not.

10 posts might as well be one - I don’t consider that a serious requirement but my bad.

That didn’t even make sense, but whatever floats your boat.

Argumentative aren’t you ? That sentence means 10 posts are basically no different than a requirement for one. Not proof of anything.

Um, again -

I could spam my response too but instead I will bid you to have a nice day.

Agreed. It’s such a superfluous system. I’ve posted and moderated many forums. The ability to post things was given to people by default. If you abuse it, you lose it. You were never required to live on a forum just to post pictures which let’s be honest, are either ever used in jest or to insult someone.

As far as the ignore feature, I do believe it should be a thing. There is a feature in your settings where you can disable notifications from people. I have a few added to mine and it’s been helpful for a couple reasons. First, people I’ve added to it only ever reply to insult, so I don’t need notifications of that. Second, there is a guy who is a notorious backseat poster** who I stopped getting notifications for when I added someone else to that list. This backseat guy likes every post that the first blocked guy makes. Coincidence?

** Backseat posters are people who rarely ever (if ever) have an opinion of their own. They desperately want to feel like they’re in on a conversation even though they have nothing valuable to contribute. They just piggyback off what other people say with comments like “what he said” or “this”, etc


Dont say anything bad about high elves for Alliance they will report you with all their alt accounts and more and ruin ur trust level forever.

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I do wish they would fix that alt reporting and their system that makes that such an effective way to silence dissenting posters.

( Not really, but that’s how it seems, at times )

lol! A stalker of mine try this on me. The “flagged” posts were unflagged not long afterwards. They vanished for a few days too, so I think this does get watched.

That is just extra work for them though.

I think you’re obsessing too much. You’ve got three months to get through that many posts. Three months.

I don’t auto scroll. I don’t read newthreads over 30 posts long-- and I don’t read through all of the posts in a thread that’s gotten longer where someone replies to me-- because I’m lazy. I’ve had no issues keeping level 3.

100% true, and don’t worry You’re not insulting anyone.

I just had a thought about the # of posts read requirement. Let’s take 2 different posters. Poster A is very knowledgeable about computers, and spends most of his forum time in the tech support forum. He goes into an average of 15 threads there a day, and always provides useful information.

Poster B spends most of his time in general, mostly posting funny replies to non-serious topics. His posts get more likes than poster A because more people see them.

While there is nothing wrong with poster B getting trust level 3, with the current system, poster A will never get it, despite being one hundred times more helpful to the community.

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I lost TL3 weeks ago and I haven’t had the attention span to read enough to regain it.

Perhaps this thread will help.