Can you lose Trust Level 3 without Blizzard notifying you?

Weird, that is how I’m sure I did it when I originally got trust level 3 (on a computer.) I was under the amount of “read” requirement, then did that.

You page all the way down, letting the page also refresh ( don’t do it super duper fast either, maybe?)

Yeah, just did it on a few threads. Went from

68.4 K read to

68.6 K read.

When I start to see those “bars”, while the posts are not loading, I pause until the posts load. You’ll see a thing to the right, to, like

63/123 posts

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I got to TL3 from browsing the forums while I rock my son to sleep at night :woman_shrugging:t2: Doesn’t seem unhealthy to me… I guess I could be playing candy crush or browsing Pinterest

The question is why is this level forum a thing? How come other mmorpgs forums don’t do it?


So in regards to this, I just rapid-lightning-fast-scrolled through one of the Waterstrider discussion thread on my phone without reading a single post, and my read count went from 50.6k to 51.8k.

But if i scroll though mega threads on my PC this fast, it won’t give enough time to have the blue dots disappear therefore I know that it won’t count as “read”.

I don’t know, there might be something to do with browsing on your phone vs your PC?

Also, differences between how each browsers work might be a factor as well?
(Firefox/Chrome/IE, etc…)


This is just the most ridiculous forum system ever. Why’d you do this Blizz?

-No ignore feature, for “philosophical reasons”.
-“Trust levels” that need to be maintained through some arbritrary forum grind. Otherwise you can’t what? Share pictures or videos? Like most any other community can be default?

It’s just dumb, imo.


I think the ignore feature just wasn’t coded in and they just didn’t want to do it. It just got left aside, and considering you can use your power of will to ignore people and the new forums are more punishing toward individuals than old ones there should be a couple less obvious troll. Old ones had way more celeb post makers that kept creating the same thread to troll people.

Not everyone being able to post videos/pictures also serve so the forums don’t just become just a meme showoff. And what better way than to just give it to the people that use the forums the most.

So, I just did a bit of a test.

I took 10 mins and found a thread on my phone to just continuously scroll through, one of the large ones.

I took my Desktop and the forum on my browser and set my auto-scroll, but I slowed it down to the point that it was actually registering each post that I scrolled past for 10 mins.

In a 10 min interval, I was able to mass scroll past just under 10k posts on my phone. In that same 10 mins on my Desktop with browser, the speed at which I was able to log each post clocked in at just over 2k posts in the same 10 mins.

So, it looks like Desktop/Laptop users may be at an extreme disadvantage from phone users in this metric we’re supposed to achieve for Trust Level 3. At least if my equipment is at all indicative of others equipment more broadly.

Yeah, that’s the thing, I just wish I knew what happened. I doubt it’s Blizzard’s intent to make us mass scroll through the forums without reading them just to see if that’s what wound up happening to my Trust level. That’s really non-beneficial behavior to incentivize for players and forum users.


Since getting the privilege to post links, I’m pretty sure the only things I’ve linked have been to warcraftlogs to try and help people with assessing the state of class hierarchy in DPS charts for discussions on how classes were doing, or to link to warcraft related pictures off imgur to show the cosmology realms, etc, or to link to things off wiki’s to support points made for talking about various topics on warcraft cannon.

Well, I guess I did link a single picture of that rainbow butterfly unicorn kitten when someone was talking about what kind of mount you want to see Blizzard make just because I think it’d be amusing… but otherwise I don’t use the hyperlinks to go to memes or anything of the like. So, it’s kind of frustrating to have that lost now when I was trying to use it to be helpful in discussions.

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Every other community platform gives you the option to block/ignore people. It’s ridiculous that the WoW forums don’t, but their “provider” or whatever is philosophically against one because of “community discussion”. Like I really want community and discussion with certain folks here, lol.

I had a much more enjoyable time on the old forums because I could remove certain people from my view and be able to focus on the topics and discussion with folks I wanted to talk with. There’s no reason not to have an ignore feature here when every other social platform has one. I don’t want to have to use “force of will” to avoid bullies and trolls on these forums. I don’t want to have to be exposed to them for one second, and my reasons for that are my own.

The trust system seems good on paper but it’s implementation is ridiculous. You shouldn’t have to “grind” a forum just for the right to post pictures and videos. If someone posts someone that breaks rules? Report them like you would a text post. There’s no reason folks shouldn’t be allowed to share things. And this is someone who actually did have Trust 3 at one point, but lost it after committing the horrible atrocity of transferring servers with this character.


That’s 200 posts per day. If people were actually reading them instead of scrolling by, that would be waaaayyy too many, imo.

So, I am now apparently back to Trust level 3.

So it was definitely the Post read count.

I guess the tests were successful, but I feel a bit bad about the fact my “read” count isn’t actually real in this case, or arrived at organically by actually reading the posts. If Blizzard had provided some way to know and see what was going on and what was missing, it would have been easier to keep up with or at least work towards.

Seems like just blowing a bunch of time uselessly scrolling through the forums to up your count without actually reading the posts is kind of counter productive.

Hopefully my normal forum activity will just keep it active in the future.


That’s pretty much why I think the “read count” shouldn’t even be a thing. It doesn’t actually mean anything if folks can just scroll on through. I do think that if you just glance through the forums most days and read what interests you, you should be able to maintain your trust lvl status.


Go get 20k more before your time is over D:

Unless you spend some time tracking your stats, there is not a concrete way to know what you were truly missing. If I have to guess, after checking your stats I think the problem was here:

This is the 3rd “cycle” of thrust levels (every 50 days), during cycle 1 and 2 you viewed a lot of threads, but the low amount of viewed topics you have makes me think you missed the 3rd cycle mark.

I was in the first group to gain TL3, but lost it a couple of months ago due to being ill and not being able to log into the forums. I miss the lounge and the people in it… but still being too ill to remain on the forums as often as I did (and haven’t been able to play due to illness either) sucks.

I think I lost mine for a combination of days on the forum out of 100 and post read count.

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I think that’s unlikely.

In the past 24 hours I have probably viewed maybe 20 more topics. But I added about 18k posts to my read count, with about 13k coming in the past 2 hours. And shortly after adding 13k posts to my read count from that test I did, Trust level 3 almost immediately came back.

Signs point to it being the read count.

Yea… you don’t get post count if you use page down, space bar, etc. You have to manually scroll past every single post.

And yes, as you found out, it’s MUCH easier to view on phone compared to your computer. (As you said, you can view 10,000 posts in the time it takes you to view 2,000 on your computer)

But I refuse to login on my phone. I can’t secure my phone. As such, computer users are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to maintaining TL3 to the point I’ve had to resort to using the autoscroll feature on my mouse before I go to bed and letting my browser crash.

Add on what I said at the start of this post - that if you use space bar, page down, etc. to scroll through threads, and it doesn’t even register a good chunk of the posts you view, and it makes it even worse.

It certainly removed any interest I may have had in the system. I regularly read, but I’m not going to pretend to read to qualify as a trusted community member. I mean… that would indicate the opposite after all.

I hope they gain control over this canned package they were sold, and soon. :confused:

This is what’s so ridiculous about the trust levels. It has little to do with how interesting/constructive/well thought out a post is.

You can post utterly useless drivel all over the forums, but as long as you can get enough people to like it - or have a few friends who grant likes in a symbiotic fashion - boom, you can post links, gifs, and even more utterly useless drivel all over the forums.

Just in the interest of science, I have heard that a simple cell phone standing on it’s side is heavy enough to hold down the down arrow on a standard keyboard. Just sayin’ .

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I lost my level 3 clearance for being a moron a while back.

It was fun while it lasted. :joy:

Well, try not to worry about it. Hopefully you will see those people around GD as well and there is always the lounge thread/silly threads to just hang out in.