Can you have the same Guild name on the Same Server?

I was wondering if there can be more then one of the same guild name?? I am asking because I have a guild on the scryers and just noticed that there is another with the exact same name as My guilds Name on the same server… Just wondering if this was allowed now… Because when I was making my guild, (18 years ago) I couldn’t take a name already being used… Is this allowed now???

Thank you everyone…

O.K. Connecting Realms, So It should say the realm this guild is on then right?
I am HuntressDew, Guild Mistress Of Forever Knights on The Scryers, I have been the Mistress of this guild for close to 17 years… This other Forever Knights, (Spelled the same) Is also on The Scryers Realm, has 21 Active members and the Leader is IIidrean… I Check myself after making a new toon just to see. My Guild Tabard Is White and red, with a Bat. The other is Blue with the Lion… How can that be???

Are you sure that other guild doesn’t have weird capitalization or accented characters going on in its name?,Accented%20characters%20are%20supported.,capitals%20and%20spaces%20are%20supported.

But yes - A guild name should be unique per server. Similar to how a toon’s name should be unique to a server. However, sometimes accented characters, etc can make names look super similar


Were they in your guild?

You’re connected to Argent Dawn, so the guild is probably on that server.


I am the GM of my guild, which I personally named Iron Phoenix. The answer to OP’s question must be yes, because there are (were?) several, like 3 or 4, other Iron Phoenix guilds on my realm (Windrunner), and I have lost newbies to them. Newbies who were trying to find MY guild, but mistakenly joined the other instead. I submitted a ticket to Blizzard about it, as well as posted on a forum in the Customer Support forums (somewhere over there), but never rec’d a reply.

Even some regulars who were trying to bring in their alts got fooled and joined the other copy-cat guilds by mistake. They had to leave and have me invite them directly. In fact, that is how I found out about the copy-cats. They must have someone who monitors them and let’s applicants in.

These other copy-cat guilds did not used to exist. I remember guilds used to need a unique name, too, but research has shown me that seems to be no longer the case. There are several other guilds which have the exact same name as other guilds on my realm. Not special characters, the same name, same spelling. It does annoy me, but in the grand scheme of things I have to not let it. If others are happy in those copy-cat guilds, then so be it. I would rather they come hang in mine, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.


A few things to clarify here:

These are the current up to date rules on Guild Names: (updated 2 years ago)

Guild Naming Rules

  • The name must be between 2-24 characters long.
  • Accented characters are supported.
  • Numbers and symbols are not supported.
  • Mixed capitals and spaces are supported.

So the answer is NO. No two guilds can have, EVER, the same name AND the same server. That just isn’t possible. When you are creating the guild, the NPC doesn’t let you.

So aside from the obvious play with special accepted characters:

What most likely is happening is that people are not seeing a (*) next to one of the Guilds names. That asterisk, signifies that the Guild is from a connected realm within the group of servers that are connected. Since players from connected servers can join those guilds, confusing can happen.

Or (a bit more obvious but can happen) the Guild name has a dash and Server name next to it, that can be hidden on the UI Options to signify a Cross-Server Guild (from any other realm in the game). Both things are not same.

The armory shows zero Iron Phoenix guilds on your realm and also shows that your guild is on Darrowmere :confused:

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You’re on one of four Connected Realms.

Again… a guild name is once per server. But some of us are Connected Realms, so you’ll see more than one if there’s another guild on a realm that’s Connected to yours.

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You are right. My guild is on Darrowmere, I personally am on Windrunner. I am so bad, I keep forgetting!

You also are probably right. All I know is that there are players who intend to come to MY guild (on Darrowmere) but they end up in an identically named guild elsewhere, and then we have to fix their mistake. That part is annoying.

Funny story: I was out on one of my alts that I call Jae, and I ran into another toon named Jae, from the Iron Phoenix guild on Proudmoore, I think. Could have been another one, but that is irrelevant. The point is that two Jae’s from identically-named guilds crossed paths. It was very wrenching, for sure! He was a very cool player, I must say.

You also have a point. Dadgum, I wish I had learned all this stuff months ago from Blizzard when I asked them. Of interest (perhaps only to me) I do have the name of the realms turned off somewhere.

The best you can do is make sure your guild listing is very specific in details and put in a specific phrase or something that you use for recruiting. Also emphasize to look at what server the guild is on before applying.

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Darrowmere is connected to Draka, Suramar, and Windrunner.

So anyone on Draka, Suramar, and Windrunner is technically on your server, but they can have the same guild name.

And since cross-realm guilds exist now, someone on Iron Phoenix-Windrunner can invite someone from Darrowmere, so you’d see someone from Darrowmere in Iron Phoenix.