Can you get Antique Bronze Bullion from m+ or just Awakened raids?

Please say you can get from m+. If it’s only through raids I will be a sad panda :pensive:

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Ma’am, you are a Draenei.

I’ll be a sad panda in your name.


I thought I read that you can even get them from world content?

Dunno where I saw that but you can definitely get them from M+


Which is very cool for someone like me, who doesn’t raid. But why do they call them Dinars? What the hell does that mean?

That’s what the equivalent currency was called in Shadowland’s fated season.


This is true! I identify as a panda I guess :grin:

Thank you for that link! That’s great news!

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I looked it up. Apparently it’s the name of a real world currency!

So I was looking at the patch notes for the new Awakened Season 4 and I don’t see where it says you can get the Antique Bullion from m+, it just says from killing Awakened bosses in raid.

I hope I was just dumb and missed the part where you can get it from m+ or maybe they forgot to put it in the patch notes…if you can’t get it from m+ I will be a very sad panda! :confounded:

Every time I read Bullion I think of the little cubes you use for soup.


Funny enough that’s what I think too when I see that word, was surprised the word is also used for bars of gold. On another note…can we get those bars from LFR by chance? Anyone know?

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I don’t see why you should. You buy raid items with them and even then it is limited to which items.

Just kill 1 lfr boss every week and loot it


Oh you can get it from LFR? Great news! Thank you for the update!

They do not drop from m+

Only when the 4x mythic dungeon weekly quest is available. Which is what, once a month?

If that, I think its more like once every 6 weeks.