Can you add the four allied races?

Not really. We’ve watched the process for becoming part of a Covenant a couple times now, at least. Both times, they swear themselves to the service of the Covenant and Shadowlands to become part of things. It would be dumb, imo, to rip these dead souls out of their afterlives and their purpose.

I hope they do what they did to time travel in wod: forget ever happened and move foward. Showing the shadowlands was already a big mistake imo.


Those four are not going to become allies, there’s no believable cause for it.

“We have sworn sacred eternal oaths to upholding the SL and safeguarding the souls within!”

“…on second thought. These living world nations we just met a hot minute ago made a better offer. The SL will be fine! I’m going lootin’ in their world.”

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But we saw so many of the kyrian turn on their covenant in the kyrian campaign. So they don’t always follow the lore of the land themselves in the Shadowlands.

That doesn’t mean they’re going to suddenly go, “Hey, I swore my dead soul to the realm of Death, but why not just go to this random planet I don’t know and join up with the Horde or Alliance, because they want to fix things up here now.” :roll_eyes:

For the love of all that is green and good… we just fixe the anima problem and now y’all want to make it worse? lol


Another thing I don’t think people are considering, the SL realms went into turmoil in the first place BECAUSE they didn’t venture beyond their separate spheres in the cycle, the Shadowlands rely on the mortal plane for almost everything since the realms run on anima and anima does not occur naturally within the dead realms, it only accumulates in souls in life and is carried with those souls into the realm of the dead.

Vice versa Ardenweald is responsible for keeping the cycle of life and death in balance, if it breaks then so too does the balance of nature on the worlds of the great beyond, ecosystems and beyond destroyed etc.


I don’t think all of them swore their soul to the realm of death, I’m sure throughout history some refused. So what would of happened to those who didn’t want to ay?

Sethrak and Saurok for Horde. Since the lore of these races is more inclined to be potential members of the horde.

Arakkoas and Saberon from WOD for Alliance. Since their lores can be directed to join the Alliance.

It’s important to give something aggregating to the alliance too, because in BfA it was such a disaster that it just justified the ostracism of the blue faction.


presumably all the living characters in the shadowlands have to leave at some point.

if we can come and go as we please, why can’t the dead?
what stops kyrians from just ferrying peoplt to the living realm?
the story so far has proved that no matter how devoted to a covenant you are you can still go rogue.

infact, forsworn actually did come to azeroth and kidnapped a bunch of our leaders, proving it’s possible.

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They were placed in their afterlives or turned over to Revendreth for repentance. After Revendreth, they choose where to go or to stay and become Venthyr. Kyrian choose to become Ascended and earn their way towards it.

They don’t get a choice. They’re dead souls. They’re placed where they should be and that’s their afterlife. They don’t get to toddle back to some planted just because, screw up the machine of death again and cause anima issues all over again.

This whole idea of dead souls sworn to their Covenants becoming allied races is just sheer stupidity to me.


To be fair, not everything in SL is dead, being entities OF death is not the same as being a soul/dead. We see this with the Maldraxxian and Kyrian/others compatibility in the body factories, the SL races have bodies, physical shells apart from their souls that exist and carry out “life” functions.


Tell that to the undead race then. Also I can’t be arsed talking about how they could fit in lore anymore. I said in my main comment blizz can sort the lore out to fit in these as allied races, they change the lore all the time in drastic ways. This expan needs something big and exciting for players to play and that isn’t another dung or raid…

Living. Because we’re not even supposed to be there. Dead souls are absolutely supposed to be there. How is this so difficult? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Traveling to ferry dead souls isn’t anywhere near the same as “I’m going to leave the service of Death that I swore myself to and go toddle off with some living mortals to their planet, 'cause reasons!” :woman_facepalming:

I never once said they can’t travel. I said it’s completely and utterly stupid for them to be an AR.

And those aren’t dead souls that they want for AR.

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There’s a huge difference between raising souls that never made it to the Shadowlands in physical decaying bodies and dead souls made of Death magic to look the way they do who swore themselves to their Covenants.

And this isn’t it. This is just nonsensical with the lore.


Well those undead human race have clearly been dead and out of their body for a very long time looking at them when they’re bought back to life by the angel thing in the udnead starting zone, can’t rememebr what they’re called. So how long were these humans dead and outside their bodies for for them to decay so much in the mean time? And if they didn’t move on the shadowlands where have their souls been all this time before they were ressurected?

The flesh has rotted off their bones i nthe mean time, thats being dead along time before being ressd.

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No idea, but they weren’t in the Shadowlands. And it’s still not the same as screwing over the Shadowlands out of the most important dead souls they have just so you can play a blue human with wings.


Gonna be a hard no on literal angels being playable dude.

How many times do we have to jump the shark?

Those weren’t forsworn.


They most likely were in the Shadowlands since the kyrian come straight away to pick up a human when they die. And not leave them wondering as a ghost in the land of the living for weeks or months on end.

After death, mortal souls usually end up in the Shadowlands where they remain for eternity unless something prevents that from happening. Indeed, they can be resurrected, or they can be captured within soulstones or demonic soul engines. They can also be utterly destroyed.

They are prevented from it and that’s how they get raised, used or destroyed.

Not to mention, that has absolutely nothing to do with the entire point.

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That doesn’t explain where their soul goes in the mean time after they die and in the weeks or months before they get ressurected judging from the state of the decayed body they res back into is clearly months gone for the flesh to rott off the bones.

What a dull expansion this turned out to be ay, no new races no new class and some bad lore holding them back from adding something exciting as new races.