MOST of the TWW content is currently unavailable and it’s blowing my mind how surprising this is to some people. You can level. You can pick flowers. That’s about it.
It’s blowing my mind that knowing which are and which are not available being something that people want to know is a hard concept to grasp for some people.
10? Did my 1st toon with finishing the campaign(as far as you can) and then dungs in bout 5.5hrs. Every other alt and I’ve done 4 toons total took about 3-4 hrs after.
it’s blowing my mind how surprising this is to some people
The mind blowing thing here is how intellectually dishonest you are. There is zero consistency about what is available and what is not available. It’s obvious how there is confusion.
World quests are available in every other zone. What is different about Ahj-kahet world quests that they just don’t show up?
The theater troupe REWARDS are unavailable, but you can play the theater troupe every hour if you want to. Why couldn’t the AK world quests show up without rewards?
The availability of some systems was changed after the beginning of the early access period, such as the honor cap being changed to 4000 in a hotfix. Even if people knew that something was or was not available, there is a chance it has changed.
And finally, there are very obvious bugs, such as quest objects not spawning until you delete and re-obtain quests.
Tell us, O big brain, how we are supposed to know with certainty what is a bug and what is just not available, given all that I’ve mentioned?
Oh, you can’t know. Be less obnoxious in your future replies.