Can We Unlock World Quests in Azj-Kahet?

So I read this guide and it says I need to make a weekly pact with someone:

Cool, so where do I make this pact?

According to this guide, I need to talk to this NPC:

Cool, so where do I find this NPC?

So I tried to look manually, and I didn’t find this NPC anywhere.

Anyone knows what to do?

Is this a “wait for actual release” situation?

I’ve heard it’s waiting til Monday

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MOST of the TWW content is currently unavailable and it’s blowing my mind how surprising this is to some people. You can level. You can pick flowers. That’s about it.


I am the sad.

All I want is to help the cute spider people.


Yeah, most of the stuff is gated until the 26th, full release, or if it’s competitive like raiding or M+ or PvP, it’s locked for two weeks.

Early access is really the bare minimum, leveling and professions, and normal dungeons.

I just think it’s weird that I can do WQs for all the other zones, but not for this one zone.

I have seen people on twitter already completing the campaign for WQ and adventure mode

This isn’t REAL early access. The game is not really playable yet.

It just lets you get to max level (which took like 10 hours of mucking about) and to farm some materials or whatever.

It’s not early access.

No wonder I cant see World Quests in Azj-kahet.

It is locked. I thought I missed something.

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That zone is basically “Suramar” from Legion in terms of how it functions, it’s tied to lvl 80 content and likely the raid.

I can see why, even if it’s weird.

Suramar was in a similar state in Legion, for a while it was simply locked off. Until it was fully ready.

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some world quest only appear when you do certain sidequests or dont need it?

Oh well.

At least I can go there and see the baby nerubians.

They are so cute! :smiley:

I love spiders and I’m quite happy with the Spider Zone so far :smiley:

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Except some world quests ARE available.

It’s blowing my mind that knowing which are and which are not available being something that people want to know is a hard concept to grasp for some people.

10? Did my 1st toon with finishing the campaign(as far as you can) and then dungs in bout 5.5hrs. Every other alt and I’ve done 4 toons total took about 3-4 hrs after.

I haven’t done a single dungeon aside from the forced follower dungeon.

I’ve just been doing every single quest and gathering every ore I see. I was 80 before I left the second zone…

I’m fine with that tbh.

Awww, k. I’ll probably go back and do quest when i get bored

it’s blowing my mind how surprising this is to some people

The mind blowing thing here is how intellectually dishonest you are. There is zero consistency about what is available and what is not available. It’s obvious how there is confusion.

World quests are available in every other zone. What is different about Ahj-kahet world quests that they just don’t show up?

The theater troupe REWARDS are unavailable, but you can play the theater troupe every hour if you want to. Why couldn’t the AK world quests show up without rewards?

The availability of some systems was changed after the beginning of the early access period, such as the honor cap being changed to 4000 in a hotfix. Even if people knew that something was or was not available, there is a chance it has changed.

And finally, there are very obvious bugs, such as quest objects not spawning until you delete and re-obtain quests.

Tell us, O big brain, how we are supposed to know with certainty what is a bug and what is just not available, given all that I’ve mentioned?

Oh, you can’t know. Be less obnoxious in your future replies.