I mean… it’s complicated for the wrong reasons though… I’d rather have more stat types with simple interactions, than few stat types with complicated interactions.
More stat types with simple interactions allows me to work out for myself what is logically a sound build.
Less stat types with complicated interactions means… The whole thing is a straight up convoluted mess and I’m forced to sim it in the end.
One lets a player have a shot at figuring out a decent build on their own, while the other… just doesn’t. Without sims we’d have absolutely ZERO idea as to how strong each of the azerite traits are, or how they impact our stat weights, or how talents impact stat weights, or how stats themselves affect their respective stat weights…
Edit: Long story short, someone saying to me +hit is the best stat up to 8% gives me a clear guideline on how to proceed. Past that it’s just optimizing my gear to get 8% hit without going too far over (if at all over). As it is now… the ONLY correct answer for gear is: Sim it.
My fire mage is a prime example. You’d think that a spec that is expressly built around critical strikes to proc instant nukes would in some way be interested in crit. You’d think that… and you’d be wrong. Your next thought may be to be interested in mastery, afterall a large chunk of your damage is from ignite! You’d think that… and (for my mage currently) you’d be wrong. No what you actually need… is vers… Oh wait… unless you’re AoEing, then you need mastery again… but not too much or you’ll lose out on too much ST damage…