Can we turn off whispering someone you've ignored already?

I’m sick of these spineless players trying to talk to me after games without any option of rebuttle. If they’ve ignored you, why should they be able to continue to whisper you. It’s probably the biggest miss on the In-Game Code of Conduct we were forced to accept.

u said butt



Install BadBoy.

You’ll live

I usually ignore them too lol. People always do that, they will PM you and then instantly ignore you so you can’t respond, it’s the behavior of a child, it probably is one for all we know.

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Ignore them, move on, don’t see why you posted here as it’s clearly after 20 years Blizzard don’t gie a flying fig for this behavior.

They did you a favor so you don’t get banned for talking back.

install badboy or ignore them and move on. not even worth the dev’s time to build something for that with everything else going on.

Had three from Thrall whisperd/blocked after being absolute bads in an ara run today do the same after not brezzing when the tank and healer died mid boss. I just ignore them and move-on.

People that whisper then block are spineless, and it typically reflects on their gameplay. I haven’t encounted a good player that does it.

Remove the ignore feature completely and say the same thing to the people who complain about it :wink:

You know what you did.

They’ll live

Based and bullypilled

Ill liveㅤㅤㅤ