Can we talk about The Trust Level 3 "Posts Viewed" Requirement?

I would like to be able to easily see what requirements I’m missing for TL3, like its been 4 months and 3 days since your last ban, or you need to read 200 more posts and like 53 more posts kind of thing ?


Give it time. If there’s a desire, there will be a bot for it.

I’ve had it multiple times. But whenever people flag on of your post it resets back to 0. There’s many false flag posts I tried to bring up with customer support but they don’t care about helping the user and just give pre-canned messages constantly.

Honestly Blizzard managed to make of WoW a decent experience from how bad it was becoming for some years in the past expansions. But customer support is going down, and down, to a point where’s it’s beyond bad.

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yeah i vaguely remember cs or whatnot stating that blizz just uses the default for things like trust level. i don’t know why and cant remember if they gave any hint of a reason

ive written off ever getting tl3 so it is what it is

When someone is finally able to get TL3. Then they sadly lose it the next day from a 1 day ban.


She proved me right!

Yeah, the forum is flawed

On my profile, there is my stats :

*262 days visited
*5d read time
*21h recent read time
*1.7k topics viewed
*18.0k posts read
*515 likes given
*1559 likes received
*46 topics created
*605 posts created

The problem is: I changed my character’s name/race several times, and lost several status on the forum… which means it would be interesting if the forum was connected to the account and not to a specific character.

So, we could have a character as the profile picture, but the status would belong to the account, and blocking a user would block their account for communication on the forum, not just a character.

By the way, looking at my statuses, 1.7k posts viewed, I didn’t understand if it was in the last 5 days or throughout the entire usage since the last race/name change.

Regardless… it’s surreal how many requirements are necessary to post a gif.


Caring about a “trust level” on a game forum is even more insane.

Posting in general discussion is not free.

The forum is free to view, you can look at it and read it at no cost.

The limitation is that you need a sub to make a post or a comment. It’s not tied otherwise to any game activity.

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So a gimped version of the forum for free, a version where you aren’t allowed to do everything that full fledge members are allowed to do. A version with limited access… trial version. I hope that we get a trial version of the game one day.

I got TL3 then decided to swap characters (to this character because I really like the name). I got TL3 after awhile and lost it again after the beta forum went up.

I can’t be bothered to try to view X number of posts, posting images (for me) is nice but not a deal breaker.

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that’s been a rule since the forums were made in 2004 what are you talking about? not even offtopic allowed it back in the day.

I’m not sure I’m reading 20k posts in 90 days, but I manage to maintain TL3 after they took away the old alpha/beta TL3. I lost it and quickly gained it back.

Level 3 Trust is a pain. I have had it a few times (and lost it a few times) on the character I posted on before this. It is stupid easy to lose, so I just stopped bothering. :frowning:

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For what it’s worth, I’ve had two posts flagged and have kept TL3

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If you can’t keep up with the read one troll thread or 5~ normal threads a day thing, the fix-all for catching up on posts read is to put a megathread on autoscroll for about 10 minutes.

True I flagged you before, but you changed and now became a good paladin.

I thought that playing the forums required an active sub, once your sub runs out you can no longer post.
Is this right?

When I first go TL3, I just found a few “mega” threads and slowly scrolled through their 5,000 posts. Find a hot topic and search for one or two.