Can We talk about the hardest Boss in Wow's history?

This boss is undefeated and has killed everyone at least once. If you have not been killed by this boss yet, it is simply because you have not played long enough. It will happen sooner than later. It is simply a matter of time. This boss has been in the game since launch and has caused more deaths than all other bosses combined.

Of course, I am talking about the camera boss and bad the camera angles. Before anyone starts throwing insults as I am sure you will, and honesty I would be a bit disappointed at this point if you didn’t, the answer to this issue is not to just rotate the camera up. Some dungeons have crap on the ceiling that blocks the camera. Sometimes you need to get right next to a wall or ledge and when you rotate the camera the camera Boss zooms in so far to the back of your character’s head you can see their hair follicles. And of course, by the time you correct it…too late you’re already dead.

I will save us all some time by not giving the hundreds and hundreds of examples I can think of off the top of my head as to why Blizzard needs to finally do something about this after 20 years. I think we are all aware of the issue. I would just like to point out instead that wall transparency (for example) has existed in other games much much older than WOW dating back to the 90s. If some low budget studio for a triple C game can do it, why can’t Blizzard? Blizzard receives millions of dollars a month from us. I am well within reason to request someone finally fix the cameras so we can see what is going on.

The current state of the game has all these things on the ground to dodge and then you are given terrible camera angles to do it with. If that wasn’t bad enough, I am surrounded by swirlies, so I rotate the camera to see where to go and the Camera boss takes over and I am face to face with the back of a tree, or a pilar, or a wall. There are not any good reasons for cameras to not be able always give the player clear line of sight around their avatar. I am sure you can give many reasons as to why this is, but I can also assure you that none of them are good ones. This is not a small studio nor are you starved for money. PLEASE FIX THE CAMERAS!

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Also please feel free to share your funniest death to the camera boss. I know I have many.


Raid attendance boss is unbeatable and you never know exactly when it’s going to show up to end your season.


The hardest boss in WoW is without a doubt the elevator boss.

To all raid designers out there, bring back those elevators! We want a real challenge when we raid!


90%+ of WoW’s difficulty is simply overcoming the UI.


I thought you were going to say the Elevator boss, a boss so cruel one wrong step meant death on even the easiest difficulties.


Nah. The true hardest boss is attempting to land without disconnecting.


Elevator boss hardest boss ever.

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The camera angle boss definitely spawned on a number of my Zekvir attempts. I had serious struggles on that fight as a melee Goblin; Zekvir swallowing the whole gd screen.

But yeah, Elevator boss is the ultimate. I got owned by that jerkweed just last week.

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I don’t recall dying because of WoW’s camera. The Dark Souls camera, though… F that boss. I’ll agree that the elevator boss in WoW has been more dangerous for me.

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False. Correct answer is elevators


From memory , this might be a DX 12 thing, I think some people toggled back to DX 11 and it stopped crashing

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Didn’t the elevator in Antorus kill you if you stood under it when it came down?

I seem to remember having a few laughs there :joy:

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yes. i have certainly died to this boss. and elevator boss.

But TWW has brought in a whole new boss type:

boat boss

the boat bosses in the first encounter in the dawnbreaker have multiple variations of ways to kill you.

  1. the enemy boats were clearly designed by Dr. Emilio Lizardo, of The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension.

you see the boat. you approach the boat. but as you get there, it isn’t really there. or you land on the deck only to find yourself below the boat. and then you die


  1. you are a shapeshifted druid fighting the first boss to get the dawnbreaker back. the void bomb is forming so you have to escape the ship.

only you can’t change out of your animal form to get on your mount and you can’t enter flight form. so you die.

later, you find out that boat boss entered a line of code into the addon you use to keep you from accidentally changing out of bear form in combat that prevents you from going directly from animal form to being mounted without first “manually” exiting animal form.

boat boss is tricky like that

honorable mention to the fact the decks of the boats appear to create LOS issues for leap and jump abilities such that I, as the tank, can’t leap to the boss and getting aggro probably resulting in DPS getting early aggro and unwittingly dying to the deck vagaries of boat boss.

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I remember a meme post of a resto sham on first boss like, “I got this,” then they threw down spirit link, only for the totem to float off into space because the boat was moving.

I also may have flew through the deck once and got trapped inside the ship until I hearthed out. Since then, only steady flight in there.