Can we talk about the AOE cap?

Incorrect, Wake is uncapped, go try it for yourself. Ret AoE is fine.

Oh sorry you got me, square root cap which is just barely better than being hard capped. Point is still capped, still sucks.

It’s wonderful you think so but if being “fine” means you have to wait 3x longer than most other DPS to get in M+ or people don’t want you on your raid team because you’re a Ret Paladin, “fine” might as well be trash. This post isn’t just about Ret either. AOE cap sucks for a lot of classes.

Is the problem the unfair/unbalanced application of an AoE cap, not the existence of an AoE cap?

Oh, so generous.

You haven’t thought through what your change means for the game. That’s it. That’s the end of it. You have rubbed 2 brain cells together enough to get a spark of an idea, and decided to run with it.

Look, this suggestion is posted on the forums nearly daily and has been disputed ad naseum. You’re either fishing for replies or extremely naive. So, how about you get off your high horse and converse like an adult or just stop wasting everyone’s time with weak bait.

No, Wake has no cap at all. Whether you’re hitting 5 or 50, there’s no DR on its damage.

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this is my big wish for wow.

aoe capping certain classes and letting others go wild is just not it.

remove it all and balance your stuff for a change.

i can live with some soft caps where additional mobs take less damage but completely negating all of the damage on additional targets is just dumb imo.

cries in outlaw rogue.

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Yes there is, it’s a square root cap, you should go test it out I guess.


Really? You think there is an AoE cap because of realism?


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Shhh they live in their own world

Correct. Additional sources of damage or resources gained tied to the soft-capped AoE aren’t capped though.

So in the case of a Bear hitting Thrash, even if the initial hit is being split, the DoT applied by Thrash is not and neither is the Rage gain from Thrash, if you’re running the talent.

Yeah, so at 5 targets it might do 500 damage, and 10 targets it might do 550 damage and 15 targets it might do 600.

Whereas with a soft-cap it does 500 regardless of whether it’s 5 or 15 targets.

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Nae nae, this is a bad idea.

No it’s not, target cap is stupid and unbalanced, either everyone should have the same cap or there shouldn’t be one at all.

I think its realistic for sending out a wave of XX type of power and have hit hit more than 5 before getting weaker.

The issue at hand is consistency
 call it hard or soft cap - once you give one class either of those, you better damn well give all classes the same treatment (looking at warlocks, survival, ww)


We can, but the discussion is going to be
scattered everywhere

I play both melee and ranged and havent even noticed the aoe cap changes.

My damage still goes out, and i still see melee keeping up with ranged in aoe pulls.

I probably wouldnt even know if it was reverted xD. Honestly dont see how it matters.

I agree the AE threshold should be universal, but in capping it is something that I disagree with.