Can we talk about the AOE cap?

Ah. O.k. Thrash was just the first melee AoE I could think of as a feral.


It was literally the way the game worked until 2020 unless you were a Fury Warrior or MM Hunter recently. You good, buddy?

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That has a physical world in which it lives. That’s why you can’t shoot something half way across a zone, fly at 800% speed, or jump two stories up. “It’s a fantasy game” isn’t a license to do anything you want.


That’s not how the game worked for most of its existence, only recently.

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I think the point here is mute *, if they uncap AOE they will reduce the damage AOE does. The goal is to make it “impossible” to pull half the dungeon and AOE it down. It would be fun i recon but bad for the health of the game.

(Actually this would be worse because our cleave would suffer) *

Not if I did it no.

But we’re not talking about me, we’re talking about a Warrior that is so strong that when they pound their foot to the ground it produces a Thunder Clap so powerful that dazes the target so they cannot move for a second and then keeps them wobbly-goggly for 10 more seconds so that they cannot walk normally.

At that point I’m pretty sure the ability to go full on ham with a sword on eight guys around them isn’t too much of a stretch…

So, If I understand this correctly, In my above scenario using a soft capped AoE on 8 mobs the game will calculate the damage done as if it were 5 mobs but then divide it by 8?

More mobs = less damage per mob but no finite damage number?

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Right, we can open portals to an alternate reality, but hitting too many targets with a sword swing seems too unrealistic. Okay… :roll_eyes:

Yes. Those portals have rules and limitations placed on them by the games physical universe. Rolling your eyes just shows you’re ignorant of the concept.

A cap on AoE is good. The other means of preventing pull all and smash would be to give monsters abilities that wipe a group if not micro-managed. In 1.0 I don’t recall an AoE cap, because every pack was very dangerous and required multiple CC and ST burn down. Do we want that instead?

An unequally applied cap on AoE is very bad. Every DPS class should cap all abilities at eight targets and be balanced for that.

The fact that npcs and players have no collision in wow kinda negates everything you said till now about how a sword can’t hit multiple foes.

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The anti-collision mechanic is a gameplay thing that is unrelated to in-game physics as much as which key you press is.

Ok i got it, you’re fine with any physics breaking thing in game EXCEPT swords hitting multiple foes. (player swords that is because bosses can cleave infinite number of players and its a ok)


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I find it ironic a Paladin is complaining about this considering that most of our AoE is uncapped (Wake of Ashes, Consecrate, Divine Storm legendary effect, Sanctified Wrath AoE effect on spending Holy Power).

No, you don’t get it. You are either misrepresenting, or unable to grasp what I said. I suspect it’s both.

The physics of the in-game universe, and the mechanics of gameplay are two completely different things.

The first one affects how your character functions within the fictional world it inhabits. How fast it can run, how high it can jump, and how much damage it can do with certain actions, etc. These are examples of that function.

The second affects how YOU interact with the game. Pressing a key or mouse buttons to move, zooming out your view with a scroll wheel, and not having to physically walk around every other character and NPC are examples of that. When you click through a crowd to get to a mailbox, that’s a gameplay mechanic to make it actually playable. Your character is not breaking the physics of its universe and physically shoving its hand through all those players to get their now bloodstained mail.

I hope this clears things up.

Nah, you’re just making your own rules.

I like the AoE cap. It punishes degenerates for pulling more than 8 mobs at once.

Point out what’s wrong then. I can’t dumb it down any further.

Not really sure what you’re talking about, M+ in Legion and BFA was more fun and there wasn’t an AOE cap you’d really notice. Only SL somehow can you make 5 random mobs more dangerous than tanking The Jailer.

I always read posts like this and then laugh as I add you to the ignore list. What purpose does it server, please enlighten us since you know so much. I’ll give you one more post.

How is it bad for the game to be able to have more fun, you think M+ is better in SL than it was in BFA or Legion, I don’t. I enjoyed pulling tons of stuff in Legion and blasting it down.

How is it good, Legion and BFA were certainly better than SL and they didn’t have all these stupid caps.

Wake of Ashes has hard capped damage, Consecrate needs probably 500 targets to do any real damage, Divine Storm legendary also does little damage, Sanctified Wrath only usable during Wings, good but not always useable.

Fun for dps, less and less fun for tanks and healers as the pressure and specially the work to make bigger pulls mostly fall on their laps.

Also the timers on M+ will have to be reduced if you can AOE half the dungeon down which will increase more stress overall to an already fail punish style of gameplay.

And, again, our cleave would be worst too since they would have to reduce the damage of aoe spells and classes that use aoe for cleave would suffer from it.

Again, i think its all fun and games but the cap happened for a reason and i don’t see blizzard backing out on it. They just don’t want to see us killing 3-4+ packs at once.