Can we talk about the 110 bracket

then why are you even posting here?

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You have the same options as anyone else do, QQ’ing because you choose not to use those options is lawlworthy.

Leggo powers don’t work in BG’s.

that’s why you twink…community is a side thing. basically it’s your group of buddies rolling over everyone else.

late response…fresh 110 destro locks can “one shot” other fresh 110s is that fun?

sounds like community comes first bud

Yes there is… Twinks belong back in their own bracket.

you are level 27 what say have you?




Ooohhh, laughed so hard I think a little pee came out!

you can pick and pull things out of context …
I assume your inability to read entire threads might be related to your inability to control your bladder.

but if i must defend the three sentences you pulled out of several paragraphs.

yes i enjoy the twink community.
xpoff is a great forum…

i realised ive already explained myself…
i don’t need to again

i have stated why i twink and it has been pulled apart by the “non-toxic” community…
you guys are #$%^

Only a issue mainly when geared twinks group constantly, and go full retard till Blizz actually does something about it. Twink premades are the big issue in 110 bracket not the individual twinks themselves. I mostly farm with my toons but when I do jump in BGs solo. Demonsocks, Nightingale and his gang I see a lot with premades horde side or running with at least 4 of them when I’m on my 110s sometimes. Usually I run into the same group or others periodically I try to link up with others try to give ally semblance of chance lol.

People twink just to destroy people, that’s about it. I remember the 20s bracket was all hunter twinks at one point one shotting each other with aimed shot. Pretty much if you don’t twink, don’t bother pvping.

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Freecouch I don’t want to be that guy, but here you are Graveyard farming Horde with 5 other twinks for 15 minutes straight… this was 20 minutes ago. Not sure where the strategy comes from or how you do this for the skill as you claimed above. Just saw your name and remembered this thread.

http s://

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I’ve one shot people at 120 in hotmohu brawl. Actually theee in one infernal go.

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What I don’t get is why the rogue that had two flag captures (one of the main objectives), only got 381 honor but the hunter that did slightly more damage, less healing, had less HK’s and less KB’s got twice the honor.

I see this happen all the time and it never makes sense to me.

lost many games that night
some of those games twinks where top for both damage and kills but we did not win
kills do not equal wins in a battle ground
youll note that in rated battlegrounds killing blows are not on the scoreboard.

youll also note the horde team did have twinks they just didnt perform as well.

actually a couple of the twinks left immediatly after getting killed.
ive noticed this with a few people those people i assume came to wreck ^%$& and if challenged will leave immediately.

i dont screencap losses but this is the closest example i have

https ://

EDIT: i found a screen cap of my team getting wrecked by twinks but we still won. i added it to the imgur post. its old but …dont judge the ui…

the horde was 98 points away from victory but we had better communication

if you ignore the killing blows and look at the total damage dealt
like it would be in rated you’ll note teams did almost equal damage.
i hope you also notice most of the flag caps where done by non twinks.

if your goal in a bg is to be top for killing blows yes a twink will win
if youre goal is to carry out objectives and win you do not need to be a twink .

EDIT: i found a screen cap of my team getting wrecked by twinks but we still won. i added it to the imgur post. its old but …dont judge the ui…

https ://

this shows objectives gain more honor than kills
i was almost bottom dps
but i captured a flag and a mine cart so i gained more honor than the guy with highest dps
i mostly defended.

edit i made this game for this thread.

https:// imgur .com/a/nSGIkx3

zero damage zero kills 5th most honor.
1 flag carry

Dude you live in some sort of fantasy dream land. You twink to bully levelers, stop pretending there is some mythical skill and honor-code to twinking; no one is buying it lol.


Whether you support twinking or not, PvP is not bullying. I realize this is the new special word for the week, but read up on what real bullying is.

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Honestly, it probably is. That’s why they gotta do something about it.