Can we talk about PDFs at the top of ladder? And other cringe behavior?

Why does nobody ever talk about this elephant in the room

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buddy wat u sayin

I feel like trying to copy/paste text or an image off of a pdf is miserable.

Anything specific or nah

Can we get a specific spec please

how bout pumpin damage fools

pleased dire folks

plump damp figs

I think it’s supposed to be PDAs. Can’t stand the public display of affection at the top of the ladder.

Gold shire inn one of the last safe places for those guys on the internet. I miss the late 90s before social media and twitter.

Something something purge, doom winds, flametoungue

He’s actually not wrong, but not allowed to post the specifics. You’ll all find out soon enough anyways.

buddy u gonna fite dem ?

If you meant IRL fights, I have one coming up on March 8th on StreetBeefs again, but I just heard tonight that the dude likely backed out. A scared Youtuber named Kingslytee lmao. He got cold feet tonight. As for in-game fights? Well!!.. I’m getting there, casually. Very casually, because I’m busy IRL. Slowly, but surely. I went from 2k to 1800, then pulled off this? I am always playing half asleep, but I’ll get there. Here’s a screenshot for ya brother. They know I’m a great player they just don’t like that fact, or me. That’s fine, it’s how I prefer it. It is not impossible for people to hit 2.2k or 2.4k.

Hey I know it’s off topic, but do you do 2s as prot at all?

Sometimes, but that hinges on Monk friend wanting to play. Usually I just Fury. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Ahh okay, I was gonna ask if u wanted to push some with prot/disc. I think it could be good.

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That might be fun. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: I also swear like hunter/prot with like a mw would be sick. Also wanted to try prot pala bm disc but keep forgetting to setup pala.

Also missing Blood before it got nerfed by one third aaaaaaaaaaaa :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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I was pushing glad with that early this season, woulda had it if our healer didn’t go MIA LOL. Add me Myran#1979, I have a lot of exp playing as and with prots. Maybe we can run up some stuff.

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Will do. I’ll be home in a bit.

Oh no. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

It’d be like that. Thankfully I found a team to push the glad wins on my disc so got 5/50 last night. Anyways not to detract from this thread anymore. Hoping to game with you soon.

Let me know if you ever want to try prot / hunter. I play both and have lots of hunters.


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