Can we talk about leveling/tutorial island?

so i recently had to change factions and since im not a rich guy this means i took my main over with most of my auction house items ect. i now have decided i want a full server and started leveling characters (i feel like its worth noting ive played wow since about 6-7 years old and im now 24 almost 25) obviously when i go to create a character im gunna choose the obvious xp gain over going normal areas so i choose exiles reach, i have completed the tutorial about 6 times at this point… and lemme tell you it is so fing aggravating that even when i leave exiles reach, it doesnt leave me with options it forces me into a story of its choosing (shadowlands) and when i try to just abandon the quest use my map (toy to discover all the flight paths) to go do the questing i wanna do it tells me i cant do that until the tutorial is completed so i continue the tutorial it sends me to jaina proudmoore or whatever tf her name is and puts me on a boat where im then sent to the start of the shadowlands content, finally i can hearthstone and abandon right? nope i hearth abandon the quest and it teleports me back out to the fing boat with jaina to pick up the quest again… so now i have to wait 30 minutes for my hearth, blizzard how do you not understand that a lot of people dont want there hand fing held to the end of the earth, give me an option to skip the tut when i want so i can get my free exiles xp and not have to follow some bull_hit lore i really could care less about… lemme do what i wanna do in a open world game… honestly or just scrap the tut its full of bull_hit npcs you will never see again teaches you nothing about the game, go watch any new players experience with tut island and they even feel the same, THEY JUST WANT TO PLAY THE FING GAME. what a surprise.

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Blizzard really needs to watch this. The tutorial is absolute garbage.


I might want to agree with you, but formatting and paragraphs my dude. I’m not reading a William Faulkner Absolom Absolom-esque wall of text, I already did my time in AP English with that.


You’ve done it 6 times but still don’t know you can skip the final tour? Did you fast-click through all the dialogs? Not judging but it’s sorta silly.

Anyway, when you drop into your capital, you can pick a skip of the tour. I think you only get your final armour piece and just get told to see Chromie.

This, too.


The intro experience doesn’t give you access to shadowlands if your new to this game it will lock you into Battle for Azeroth and nothing else and you won’t be able to do chromie time because you’re new. All of these stories on the forum that the intro experience is that confusing is just nonsensical when the game literally hand hold you and I might add that the quest now have the campaign logo around it.

But if your a returning player it would obviously let you choose rather to start from the old starting zone or the new and lets you skip the tour. (if you choose to do the tour your going to Battle for Azeroth content)

This video was hilarious :joy: and highlights the problem with the island for actual new players.

They need to integrate it better into the main game. Characters you actually see again would be nice for continuity. A brief(ish) cutscene at the end of the tutorial or when you enter whichever faction’s capital summarizing what has happened so far and highlighting key NPCs would help, I think.

Also, using CoT to allow players to experience each expansion as it was for more in depth info would be good for people who are more interested in the lore.

Why they won’t let players who already have characters at cap just start at level 10 with some greens at this point I’ll never know.

I mean the obvious answer is we should always start from 1 but Allied Races start from 10 with greens and skip the island. That’s like…half the races. So that ship sailed. Just let everyone do it if they want to.

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I think Exile’s Reach should be for the old farts and the original starter zones should be for new people.

And Day9 explained why perfectly. “Why is a king talking to me?” “Who are these people and why are they yelling at each other?” “How do I get to the room on the other side of 5 different walls?” “Why am I in jail?”

This garbage tutorial skips over 20 years of story and that’s not good for a new player. It’s perfectly fine for us, the people that know exactly what’s going on, but I don’t see how this could be fun for someone new to the game. The only people that want to rush to the end is old farts.

p.s. The new tutorial being DF doesn’t change my opinion.

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who tf reads i just wanna play the game.

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It’s Battle for Azeroth not Shadowlands.

And you can skip the tutorial. After you take the Wind Rider for horde, or Gryphons, on alliance the npc in front of you that normally gives you a tour of your capital (I forget if it was the human, or the gnome on alliance) should have a dialogue option to skip the tour, and then it doesn’t force you into any expansion.

I have a auto quest addon prolly why i never saw this

Reading the quests is half the fun.

The characters are used again for dragonscale expedition when you first land, they also make up the NPC dungeon party! =D

I agree. I think the original starter zones would be a better experience story wise. Exile’s Reach does give a very simplified walk through of gameplay basics, but might be too much handholding. They could stick a tutorial person in the starter zone for people new to the genre if they need the help.

Thanks! I thought they were in the follower dungeons, but wasn’t positive. I meant they needed people who were more memorable and featured more in quests throughout several zones/expansions - someone like Nesingwary or Brann, for example, or an NPC they’d see again in SW or Org immediately upon entering.