Can We Talk About How Weird The Castle Nathria Leather Set Is?

Most of the set is intended to be like a vampire hunter thing. A Van Hellsing. And that makes sense, given the theme of the Raid.

But there are some things that make little to no sense about it.

  • The belt got a shuriken in it, which is rather mismatched, thematically speaking.
  • The boots are heavily armored while the rest of the set is just regular clothes.
  • The shoulderpads seem to be a heavily stylized ribcage made of metal, which is a choice. I fail to see how that fits with any of the rest.

So this set is basically a Ninja Vampire Hunter that is really scared of having their feet hurt while not really caring much for their vital organs while also being a big fan of ribs lol

I’m not saying it’s a bad set. I love it! But it’s objectively weird lol


Those boots are made for kickin’.


Looks better when not on a human male at least. Plus, tons of games/fantasy where the character wears sabatons/metal boots, the rest being leather.

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On the boots, maybe they have children with legos?

Is there a minimum size to raid tier shoulders? Might be the issue here. We can’t have someone mistaking the set for quest gear, after all.

I got nothin on the belt. That hat is awesome though. Shame it has a bandana.

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It has a nice hat though. We need more fancy hats.

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Let’s be honest, nearly every expansion leather armor has been really regrettable or odd looking, all the way back to Northrend. So much so it was welcome to be able to shapeshift as a druid.

I sometimes think they neglect to consider the classes that will be wearing the sets. It’s hard to get leather gear to work for everyone.

Weird look for a druid or monk.

Excellent thematic choice for a certain type of rogue or demon hunter. If you are playing a forest stalker or scout type rogue, it falls short. Same if you prefer a feldemon look for your DH.

Oh, and the belt doesn’t just have a Shuriken.


It also has Kunai in it.

They really wanted to go full Ninja on the belt and only the belt lol