Can we stop making runes require other people to acquire?

It’s really annoying when a rune requires other people to get it. If you don’t get your runes in the first week of the phase you are stuck waiting forever for someone to come by. Want to level an alt? That sucks, spend an hour waiting for another mage to come by so you can melt that ice.


I’m sure the warlocks and mages don’t mind this completely 1 sided system that only benefits them.

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An MMO forcing you to talk to other people… The horror

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This is another problem. Trying to get priest runes is a nightmare.

SOD is not meant for people who are “late”, unfortunately.

I play 5 characters. I can’t level them and get all their runes at the same time. So now when I go back and level them getting their runes are a pain.

I agree, and haven’t raided or tried for many runes this phase because of needing others.

Dev Team is hell-bent on forcing ‘social interaction’.

100% agree, i started playing SoD again , went to get a new rune that looked interesting , went read up on the details and i needed help from 3 other classes and a ton of other things that require help , was like good bye.

The Despair rune for priests is so badly designed. The Leyline mechanic is ridiculous. 4 Classes need a rune from it and only 2 can open the portal to get it. It makes no sense.