Can we start mass reporting GDKP advertising

Looks like the reports are working. Keep it up!

Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – December 2023 - Wowhead News

Please keep openly admitting this and doing it. Please dear lord.

Yeah, I get not liking RMT, but people are getting crazy.

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People are getting crazy, please bring out Evilglinda to set them straight.

Shes my best friend.

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All my hero’s report GDKP and Boost posters.

I get why you’re mad, you had a lot of gold but they still wouldn’t let you in their gdkp cuz you’re detrimental to the success of their raid.

Id be mad too, rejection hurts.

Let it all out lil bro

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Is hating GDKP’s just a thing for the worse-than-average player? Because so far I’ve only seen grey & green logs of the anti-GDKP crowd (that have logs).

Yes they get rejected cuz they are a massive liability to the raid even tho they have gold and don’t get invited.

Then they come here and cry, they are some of the most low tier players.

Usually they hide tho.

I go into instances, kill the stuff and take the loot. How other people do it I don’t care, the GKDP concept would take the fun out of the game for me personally, but I am not here to tell someone else how to enjoy WoW.

Not sod, classic

Not sure if trolling or just ignorant…

You’d get about as many positive hits with reporting, so you do you.

Because Wrath hands you gold for free in ludicrous excess of what anyone actually needs. Getting a Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth wasn’t hard back in OG Wrath, let alone Classic where people had gold built up over Vanilla and TBC versions as well. I had enough from TBCC to buy a full set of Portable Holes the moment they went live.

Why would it matter? Common consumables are cheap because everyone is out farming them and making them. Wrath flasks are dirt cheap, as are fish feasts and everything else. Need a gem? It isn’t even a dungeon’s worth of NPC gold at this point. Phase 1 gems were pricier because everyone was leveling it, but now? Its a joke.

Having 100k gold or having 10k gold makes zero difference to your Wrath play experience if you aren’t aiming for anything that’s more than a hundred gold a pop and you earn that much from dailies and then some. You don’t need a bank full of Portable Holes. You don’t need every gold-sink mount either. You don’t need the Dalaran ring.

So what if someone has 300k gold? They have to clear ICC25H the same as everyone else if they want BiS gear. The only difference is that instead of getting in line on some guild-specific loot priority list, or earning enough DKP or EPGP or w/e point system is used, or get lucky enough with MS>OS… they bid up their gold.

So you always see yourself as the Main Character™ defending truth against the horrible lies of the Enemy™? Neat.

We’d get positive hits by reporting yes but as of recently its hard to believe the actioned accounts have lengthy or permanent bans applied because sometimes the same one’s return, speaking of fly hacking players or gold buyers over bots on this one.

Until sodapoppin is perma banned it will be pointless for blizz to post actioned account numbers every few months. Let soda be a big example that no one is immune to breaking the rules. We also saw this in japan with a certain irl streamer >,>

Don’t drink and drive …

I don’t hate them, but do dislike them. My reason being that it turns the RPG into more of an economy game where everything is dependent on transactions. It’s simply not what I want in an RPG. That’s said, the best recourse is to just not participate. If there are no opportunities to raid without GDKP, it might be time to move on.

I hope you never use the AH, unless you like supporting botters!

:clown_face: mode

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It is gambling though when you think about it

This thread is 5 months old :clown_face:

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