Can we solo Legion or BFA raids yet?

The squish hurt this. Wondering if they put the legacy buff/debuff on old raids to plow them?

Just wanting to start the transmog/mount farming with a few characters.


Legion yes, BFA no.


BFA yes - on some raids on LFR and Normal, and not entirely either.

What difficulty? You can’t solo Mythic Legion yet, but Heroic yes.

I think it depends on the class but haven’t tried them since SL’s dropped. I was doing Mythic Legion raids with my BM hunter in BFA but it was painfully slow and some bosses were juiced as in OP juiced. They need to be nerfed if they haven’t already been.

EDIT: I don’t think I ever finished a Mythic Legion raid in BFA because I was normally after just one piece of gear and it was so slow killing bosses. Also, some of those OP bosses ended my runs.

All Legion stuff should be doable, although some bosses can take a while.

BFA We’ll (for the most part) need to wait.

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You can most certainly solo all of Mythic Legion now, as well as some BfA bosses

Legion Mythic is definitely soloable, but also needs some self heals for some stuff. Normal is fairly faceroll, even with basic ZM gear

The stacking DOT on the first Emerald Nightmare boss kills me.

Been able to solo all of Mythic Legion raids on my DK. Kil’jaeden Mythic is difficult but doable and DK is the best to do it on because Death’s advance knockback immunity if you screw up on the orbs. Eonar Mythic you need to know the patter to kill and use the extra action button for faster movement in the Paraxis to avoid final doom. Antorus Mythic is a cakewalk aside from Immonar which can be a bit tricky if you aren’t beefy.

HOW? You just do a basic rotation and dead, had 0 issue with it in ilvl 200 gear back in 9.1. On my mage, DK, pally, warrior, and my hunter.


Some BFA raid bosses can be soloed but it’s going to feel like a bit of a slog because you won’t be getting a ton of free damage against them, consider bringing a couple people though and it should be fun.

Preferably of different armor types!

Legion mythic is mostly do-able solo, there’s still a couple I can’t do → Kil’jaeden is the biggest offender. He still does insane damage if you can’t heal yourself reliably. Also the darkness phase is stupid af with orbs.

As for BFA, still some mechanics can get you that just hard-require more people, but LFR and normal are soloable in decent gear since you don’t have legacy buff.

I’ve been able to skip that phase entirely on my DK. Orb knockback is still an issue but you can immunity from knockback on DK.

That’s very interesting. And you skipped the darkness phase on mythic? Solo? Because me and my friend tried to burn him down before that and weren’t able to. And we were both over 260 ilvl.

I actually discovered a new imonar mechanic when I was soloing him the other day.

If you push him from 1 health checkpoint to the next while he is flying, he will do an enormous knockback when he lands.

Ya, I start throwing dots up on the darknesses as they spawn and the phase skips after briefly going into darkness for a few seconds.

I’m also on blood with 4 set and the Crimson Rune weapon lego + Unity, Necrolord and 260 ilvl.

Oh, okay, I was thinking you meant you just bursted him down before darkness and he just skipped it. Lmao.

I mean in a nutshell I skipped it, it only lasted for 3-5 seconds.

a few Tips for the KJ dark phase:

1: you only need to kill 1 add to end it now
2: in the event you see a knock orb, they spawn in a fixed order now
3: not having the illidan sight buff doesn’t prevent you from hitting the mobs, you can still hit them with spells from melee range.