Can we show some love for Ion and the Dev team for listening to the players!

This literally says your word means nothing, that you will flip flop at a moments notice.
Even worse, you don’t even admit you were wrong. You stand by what you said then? What?

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Then why hasnt blizzard removed this flag? Why did you claim “all” your posts are unflagged within “an hour” when this is demonstrably untrue?

Folks get very emotional when they’re wrong it seems, they’re in such a frantic hurry to respond to me that they miss the entire response! Here it is for you to read at your own leisure:

If you find what I say offensive, you can flag me and move on but following me from thread to thread frustrated is a personal issue and not mine!

Ad iram fallacy. Rethink your response and try again.

To jog your memory, here is the full question being asked of you. Answer it in full, not in part.

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Let me jog your memory as well, this was the first question that you avoided 5 times now. When you answer this then we can continue, otherwise this discussion will no longer continue!

I asked the question first, Tupac. I understand you do not respect women as displayed in this post ( but frankly that is your issue, not mine and I will not coddle such behavior for your benefit.

Answer my question in full, or we can assume you are conceding the point and admit you have knowingly lied.


Sorry but you can keep reposting everything I ever posted as you seem to be my biggest fan on the forums! But none of that has anything to do with the OP, rather your personal issues with me and my opinion. If you’d like to stay on the OP, then that’s fine but otherwise I see no reason to give you anymore time as i’ve answered everything you’d asked me yet you couldn’t answer a simple question!

I’m going to give you one more opportunity because its Christmas and I’m feeling generous.

Should I assume this is your admittance that you did indeed knowingly lie and mislead people?

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Yes, I 100% agree with you! Sometimes folks just need to understand if someone is breaking the CoC then they would be banned, if the creators of the forum do not feel like you are doing anything wrong then I see no reason for others too! Anyways, I hope you enjoy your day!

He won’t ever, he will just quote and say the same thing but with slight variation and think it answers the question. :man_shrugging:

That would be like if i did this.

Add Text.

Add Text.

Add Text. :upside_down_face:

I think his copy paste quotes are enough for that admittance.

Wait, what? :laughing:

That post is still up?

I don’t think any one dislikes Ralph this much

I see them as my fan club to be honest! They follow me around every post, promoting all my old threads and ideas in an attempt to False Flag me for “trolling” or “spamming”. Sadly their efforts fail when the people who created the rules which they are trying to enforce do not believe I broke any rules, so it results in very emotional people turning every single topic about me even when the OP has nothing to do with me. For example, this topic was about showing love and appreciation to Ion and the Dev team but it reads more like the folks of GD showing love and appreciation of all my ideas and opinions as they all seem well researched on it when they attempt to question me.

Well when you go from bashing people for supporting Blizz as simps then within 2 weeks start simping Blizz yourself it is easy for people to consider you a troll . They may be right and they may be wrong but in their opinion you are .

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Troll or not is their opinion, not a fact. Given the amount of False Flags i’ve received, anyone would’ve been banned but clearly the Mods feel like I’m not trolling or spamming.

Well could it have to do with you brown nosing them ?

That’s one theory my fan club likes to throw around, but I think it’s simply because I have not broken any rules for there to be an issue.

Show love for Ion and dev team ??

Insert meme

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Torg sucks after the nerfs. No challenge, no fun. I now have a very strong dislike of all the people who cried for it to be nerfed.

Wait :man_shrugging:

One can hope.