Can we rework the PvP gear please?

Yeah looks just as bad if not worse

Having to get 61 renown for full upgrades on honor gear looks amazing again when you’ll have half your gear as conquest already

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This is PVP Power/Resilience. We had it before. It was good. Not sure why they removed it.

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Yeah apparently they just don’t want to use the old ways so I thought I’d rename it

Blizzard doesn’t want that.

So, if I wanted to try to get into PvP for the first time, I would essentially be naked as far as stats go?

No you’d have pve gear so you wouldn’t be naked you’d just be getting slapped around a bit more

Like how we had it from BC-warlords and it wasn’t a problem until after they changed it and then people decided it was a problem

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When we had resilience that seemed to work just fine. Couldn’t we do that again?

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No, it needs to be a new idea

For some reason

They refuse to use the old ways


It already works that way. Versatility has a very high value in PvP because of the trinket set bonus.

How exactly are stats fun? The only one that has any level of direct effect on a character’s gameplay is haste, the rest of them are either rng or entirely passive damage.

The PvP gear gap is going to be huge next patch and it is not looking good for pvpers at all.


Sometimes is just nice to slap a big crit on stuff you know

Or just being able to boost some of the abilities you like up with mastery

Right now you stack haste or mastery and throw crit to the wind

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Imagine. Reforging.

I see things like possible new paladin legos like vanquishers hammer and i get super excited for S2 and then i read these threads and i’m reminded of how awful some things are :sob:

I can’t hear you over my 4% haste :upside_down_face: also hpal mastery is deadstat
Stats used to be fun when it was diverse. I actually remember stacking spirit at some point

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Hire me blizzard lol

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This sounds terrible.

The only change they need to do is not rating lock conquest gear, and have all conquest gear be 226 in PvP and the rating only be for its PvE item level.

And honor gear could be 213 in PvP.

That would be the easy solution but blizzard don’t seem to like reverting to old systems

It’s sucks because they are actively making a change to scale PvP item levels, but just doing it horribly

Yes, PvE gear should be scaled down in PvP. They should be separate systems imo.

Here is the Honor Gear / Conquest Gear as it stands on the PTR.

A garbage system all around for alts and casual BG go’ers.