Can we remodel the Night Elves please?

I think it’s the reason why I cannot play a night elf for very long. Little muscle tone, uninspired posture, awkward idle animation, sad goofy faces, enormous hands and tighs. And that’s just the females. Compare them to female draenei and they lose, big time.


I think the Night Elf females have the most attractive female models. I would say the males are definitely awkward-looking, but the females are great! Maybe I’m just a sucker for abs.


Oh how wrong you are


Yes please. We need them to be about 2 feet tall.




The men sure.

The women don’t need it.


Agreed, the male Nelves are just plain awkward in anatomy and posture.


I prefer the muscles of the nelf female. It’s my go to for most. I dislike draeni I cannot get past the hooves. They just make everything look bad IMO and I don’t like how they look in a mount. They look nice from the waist up

But that’s just me


Not much, but something as simple as this would be a large leap. And that was a fan quick edit. Blizz would do a far better job if they want. The females could need a change, too. Not so much and not needed because they are beautiful, but it’s the same issue as the male with the waist.

Their legs are awesome, but the curve proportion from the hips to the legs or backside makes it look strange. Not bad, but strange. Compare it with the other races and the curve there is smooth. On the fem Night Elf is not.

Still, I say give the male NE the Zandalari model. I don’t care if they look alike in their stance. They don’t need to be idle hoping. I’d even rather have them something like the Darkspear Troll that crunches, it goes more with the Night Elves than swaying.

ALso, this is a better proportion:

Ugh. Just looking at those models I feel like I need to double down on my opinion.
They look like inflated baloon animals.


I love the female nelf body, I would only change three things.

-more serious/angry faces, why do they look so cheerleadery?

-change their cheer and clap emotes to likewise be less cheerleadery

-change their awkward baseball windup cast animation


If I have any complaints about the nelves… it’s the hands… they make basketball players hands look small. Seriously if there was an all Azeroth Basketball league the Nelves would dominate just because you can’t get the ball out of their hands.


This may be an eye-of-the-beholder thing.

I think night elf females look incredible; more so now than ever before.




This part is part of the problem. :rofl:

You need to use robes because some pants look terrible with the huge powerful legs and that Motocross ramp there. The female has it too. Not saying they should make their legs skinnier, not at all. Just smooth the curve there better.

Male night elves need a better waistline, less movement awkwardness and generally a bit more swagger.

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Nelves females have the cringiest cheers, man do I hate it.

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That’s not bad but arms are still freakishly long and hands are freakishly big.


Arms could be slightly shorter. Logically they should reach half the thights and these ones almost touch the knees. Surprised that detail escaped Blizz. Unless it was intended.

Night elves are hideous
But thats just what they look like
Cant give them a new model to fix it

I do think having hips that indent smaller than your waist is a touch concerning. If I could change one thing about the female night elves, that would be it. :upside_down_face:

The male Nelf’s chest make me want to cry. Why do they look like that as;dasjkdka;
Fix it now lmao.