Can we PLEASE make all Oribos portals go to their respective zones now?

They should have made the portals from the rank 3 travel network 2-way


Both of the above are excellent ideas

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I’d love for there to be portals to the various zones. With everything so disconnected there’s a considerable lack of immersion. This might help me want to do Shadowlands content.

I also wish the hearthstone skins we could get from each covenant were actual ports to the hub.

My longest time spent on a flight path was about 20 minutes in classic. But atleast once I’m there, I’m there for a while. There’s too much back and forth necessary in SL that the flight paths are a massive nuisance.

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There should be portals back to covenants after the upgrade, they did this intentionally to make you spend more time online.


this is something i was thinking about the last few days as i go to ZM. why not have the other zones portals like zereth lol

They definitely need that portal to 10.0.

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I feel personally attacked! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

They did this in the beta before the flight master was added. Adding the flight master took away something to be honest. The only drawback in operating the portals was that you had to double click on them to travel through. Simply running through would be nice.

Have my support on this. The flight paths in this expansion are really terrible and serve nothing more than to pad out their MAU metrics. It shouldn’t take me 20 minutes to do a daily calling on 1 character just because I’m flying from one end of Revendreth to the other end of Bastion(as an example).

For reals though. Worse when you are going from zone to zone.

They could easily do this, or have some sort of hearth/on use item that can port you just outside a specific zone’s main hub to make zone to zone travel easier.

Buuuut at this point? Just add quick travel. We have so many items and hearthstones and portals and whatnot now. Sorry mages don’t get to be special anymore, but not like they’re making bank selling ports in the main city these days or anything.

So it’s literally already coded into the game. That makes it even easier!

Sounds like something buggy. But even if it was still a double click, I’d be okay with that. lol

Or at the very least make the portals we get for upgrading our halls two ways.

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Dalaran has been in three different places, we have the technology to make some ****ing portals.

Would hate for players to spend less time logged in, though.

OP - cool name. Haha

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“You can have your teleports by getting 20s done all characters you care about.” - Blizz

I’m really really sure the portals were placeholders as they were finalizing the flightpaths (disconnect issues and motion sickness issues being big problems then).

There are any number of things that could be done with travel in Shadowlands to make it less miserable.

But Blizzard is too busy making amazing water that we’ve never seen before.

I think there’s hundreds of us. LOL

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I was like… wait… I didn’t make this post? And I’m a priest?

Then I got less dumb.

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