Can we please hide weapons

On casters, any kind of druid, and any melee class worgen? Pretty please?


Monks may have an issue with that. They have a fist weapon mog that makes it look like they have no weapons.
Problem with opening that option to others is that not all classes can use fist weapons and it would no longer be monk only.

That’d be good. A hide weapon option would be very cool, esp. for worgens but my mage would look good with that, too.

Right now I have her offhand mogged to a lit dynamite stick. I like that one but the broken bottle called “bar skewer” or something like that, for main hand needs updating so it’d be cool if we had the option of hiding weapons, one or both.

Would be nice, I thought of this back then when playing priest. I don’t want a staff tbh

Yeah, they look kind of weird when you fly too.

Imagine people hiding their weapons so it can look like they’re punching or clawing The Tarragrue

This backpack removes weapons on your back

I think any class that is using fist weapons will have that option. I’m pretty sure I’ve done that on a demon hunter before. I might be misremembering though.

considering people are crying that DH are the only ones that can use glaives, I am fine with Monks not being the only classes that can punch. It doesn’t take much to swing a ham sammich at someone

Edit: They should allow enchant effects on the hands. I would love flaming fists of fury

I kinda want the opposite for casters. I want an option for new animations with casters to channel their moves into their staves or wands, or using their tomes to read a spell. I want my fire mage to be charging up a massive pyroblast from her staff, not just her hands.

Right now these weapons seem pointless from a cosmetic point, but i’d rather not just hide them completely, so let’s make them an actual part of the animation for moves.


You are. There isn’t for DH or War. Know from personal experience sadly

Oh, gotcha. It’s been a while since I’ve played that toon. I think it might just be a small brass knuckle that he’s using.

I appreciate the tip but I don’t really have a way of getting that.

I like that idea as well! I think it’d be cool if we could have both options though

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The invisible fist weapon transmog is monk only. Most fist weapons are hidden when sheathed though so that might be what you’re thinking of.

Mistweaver monks would probably like it because they can’t dual wield fist weapons, so they can only hide the item in their main hand (if it isn’t a two-hander). The item that is in their offhand is always going to be visible in their fighting stance because there aren’t any always-invisible offhand items


I agree and support this suggestion.

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I like your suggestion op. I feel like weapons in this game are like tattoos, fun to look at on others, but don’t like them on me

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I’ve brought this up before in support of casters having a hide weapon option.

I support this too. Maybe for the .5 patch coming up we’ll see something. It would be nice.

Hopefully this simple request gets forwarded to the devs.


Add in Forsaken cause those claws my friend!

Then I’m with you.

Though honestly just let everyone hide their weapons.

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Hide weapon and staff/wand animation toggle when casting spells

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I transmogged my weapon to a twig.