Can we please get rid of Skyreach?

Pretty much just the title. I love this spec, but damn I hate this talent so much and it’s so effing strong. Just make the dash toggle-able like how you choose which way blink takes you on a mage.

No, sincerely the big pink punching fairy.

Skyreach is literally the only fun I’m having with monk


They could do the following:

  • Fix Skyreach so that it only dashes you when you aren’t already within melee range of the target.
  • Fix Skyreach so that is dashes you to the edge of the target’s melee range rather than into the center of their hit box when dashing.
  • Offer a competing choice node with Skyreach with identical benefits except it doesn’t dash.

Just make skyreach one of the talent nodes that has a choice. Version 1 we get crit and the dash. Version 2 we get crit but no dash.

Like how we chose chi wave vs hadoken.

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Part of the problem with the dash when you’re already melee range is because how hitboxes are currently designed and not really anything with the ability itself

The dash irritates me most on the worm boss in SMBG. Like I can RSK the boss, but as soon as I press tigers palm because I need Chi, Im suddenly in the water.