Can we please get an in-game translation feature?

I believe FF14 has this?

Blizz, if you’re gonna insist that we group up with SA and the Chinese players who switched to NA servers (due to the original Tencent ban, but didn’t go back even after the ban got lifted), then can you at least give us a translation system? I don’t mind grouping with these people. But it is an MMO after all. You kinda do need at least a bare minimum of communication some of the time.

I’m sure the SA and Chinese players would also appreciate this feature since you cannot just assume they know English.

Perhaps then one day when you combine EU with NA, it will be useful for that too.


There have always been Chinese players on NA server in WoW. Has nothing to do with Tencent which gave 5% stock investment to Blizzard.

Be that as it may, there was definitely an influx after the contract fell through and wow shut down in China for a time.

I’m really looking forward to the moment when my collections and achievements become available across all regions, not just the one where they were earned.


Yes having a translation app or addon / being built in would be a huge help.


I say no, because I do not trust this team not to implement Hungarian Phrasebook level chaos.

Live translation is a wickedly difficult problem. (Yeah, I know, other teams have done it successfully. But this one?)

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I mainly play on Illidan when I play retail. I didn’t notice much of a difference in trade chat. But maybe other people noticed a slight change.

Long overdue. This would definitely be a QoL improvement for sure.

FFXIV has a list of phrases and words that are auto-translated that you can choose from to communicate with your party in their language.

All well and good, but how will this team mung that up? That’s what I’m afraid of.

To clarify my position – yes, it would be a huge QoL win if they did it right. But they’d look at the feature, ask themselves “How can I make this better,” and et voila! Instant Hungarian Phrasebook.

This would be a huge help!

In all seriousness, this is one MAJOR reason to use Discord over any in-game chat, besides many of us being Crossfaction, there’s also IRL language barriers, something with the right Discord server apps isn’t a problem, ours has a translator for other languages.

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Yeah I think it’d be cool though in sincerity I don’t really run into Chinese language speakers and usually SA speakers tend to be good enough at English.

God, I wish they’d do that.

Can not help but see the word “China” and think of Trumps saying it out loud.