Can we please get an answer what happens to our characters?

The rune change kinda makes sense to go play alts but why invest time with zero idea what happens to that investment

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My little group of friends really just hope the phases stop at some point and we get time to progress through it. We’re pushing 40 irl, we play once per week together and that’s it. We’re almost done with tier 0.5 and we’ve 5-manned some ZG. We are carving our own progression path and it’s way slower than the phase schedule.

We would like a lot of time after the sweaty kids finish Naxx and Scarlet whatever to catch up. We would like even more to have access to more of the profession stuff gated behind raids so we can fill in itemization gaps. We are effectively doing 10-mans on super hardmode and enjoy it, but it sucks when everything is designed for big raid teams.

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Just pew pew until the large person sings.

They already said they are not deleting characters and that sod realms will remain active and supported after phase 7

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They said yesterday there will be content after phase 7 and have said previously that they won’t be deleting sod toons or realms.

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From the start they’ve said our characters would ‘continue on’ after SoD.

But, ya, they really need to “nail it down”.

I have no interest in playing a TBC SoD. TBC already feels ‘off’ because it wasn’t intended to be an expansion but a content patch. - Go check out the herbs and recipes of TBC. Compare that to Wrath (and future expansions).

Making an SoD version just tells me they’re going to re-release each expansion “with a twist”; Wrath SoD, Cata SoD, MoP SoD, WoD SoD (lol had to go this far for the rhyme!). So nothing really new, just a lil extra fluff here and there.

like, I’m here [still] because Season of Discovery was billed as a new take on Vanilla-era WoW. The presentation heavily implied there’d be ‘never seen before’ content; possibly leading to a “new timeline” of sorts - a OSRS of Vanilla.

((I do realize the limitations they face using the Era client. But I’ve also seen how they’ve implemented stuff and how those methods could be used to add so much more to Vanilla.))

Source please?

Dude the blue post is right up on the top. More content is coming beyond phase 7