Can we *please* get a Toggle for Void Form?

I added a TLDR to the OP. hopefully people understand.


No. OP wants it to be on ALL OF THE TIME.

I do. But you seem to be completely misunderstanding the point.

Toggle on: Void form is on ALL OF THE TIME
Toggle off: Void form is NOT on all of the time and only pops up when the buff procs.


I feel like you are not following this conversation at all.

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Thank you. Easy to understand now

Thanks! I understand now.

Iā€™d toggle it on for my VEs. :seedling:

Trying to steal my Shadow Form, eh? Canā€™t blame you, it rules. :sunglasses:

Iā€™ll just take your advice then :smiley:

Ooooooh, my apologies. Still disagree. The ability to toggle that off would be the same as changing the characteristics of the other allied races that make them different. All the time, or just the buff sure.

You play Tauren monkā€¦ it all makes sense now. I didnā€™t notice your race till now

Oh so you disagree that a race CALL VOID ELVES , should not be in void form all the time right ?.

Because will be crazy to give A VOID FORM to a race call VOID ELVES.

Damn my bad.

Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking that they should do.

Spriests have been arguing for a toggle ever since the Change.

While Iā€™m personally ok with the new changes, I wish you the best in your endeavor for asking for change, brother. Us Void Bros gotta stick together

I actually want to play in Void form all the time, make it look like Alleriaā€™s though, e.g. negative space eyes or darkened lips.