Can we *please* get a Toggle for Void Form?

lol!!! :joy:

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OP wants it to work like the Worgen Two forms, which it already does. It only shows up while in combat.

OP you’re not in the middle of the pack of High elf or void elf. You’re a void elf. At times while fighting you are embraced by the void.

Asking for it to be able to disabled is asking for Mecha gnomes to turn their limbs into normal limbs, or Mag’har orcs green skin, or HM Tauren regular tauren horns.

It is apart of what makes a Void elf a Void elf.

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I approve of this

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You dont have high elves ; you have blood elves .

Get it over it ; if alliance dont have playable high elves THE POLITICAL FACTION ALLIANCE KNOW AS SILVER COVENANT WHERE THE LAST HIGH ELVES ARE. . .

Is not in the horde.

Stop with the fake news lul.

Man you’re something lmfao. Not surprised you main moonguard, I’ve met a lot of weirdos such as yourself since I moved over for my sister

It’s dark liquor :wink:

No it does not. It only pops up with the buff procs.

Asking for a toggle doesn’t mean the ability to turn it off permanently. Asking for a toggle can simply be turn it on constantly or just leave it as a proc the way it is now.

“Forced” is in my book of overused words in this forums along with "Literally " :rofl:. Like "I am forced to do xyz to enjoy stuff ". Many players feel they forced to do something when they are not and some outright deny it . :stuck_out_tongue:

:thinking: I think more void related skin tones with entropic embrace “patches”. You know, ethereal blotches on the arms and such would be a good idea. Darker void related skin tones too where the entropic effect is a bit more obvious.


I’d be up for that! I’d also really like the option to permanently turn on the void form thingy and if it’s “off,” just leave it as the proc it is now.

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Yes, while in combat. Not while you’re just randomly sitting there.

Then just click it off if the toggle doesn’t keep it of permanently.

I know. But Worgen form isn’t a random proc. That was my point. Void form is.

… what?


Ignore him lol

Okay, so then OP wants it to Be on all the time when in combat?

Do we know what a toggle is? You toggle something and it is on or off until you toggle it back on.

Just means they’re turning it off permanently until they do. So if it doesn’t keep it off permanently then when the buff shows up, just click it off.

I always thought the voidform racial looked a bit off, nothing like Alleria’s.

It’d be nice to have something like that either replacing the existing purple spew passive or as a toggle, but I see the Incelves becoming furious about void elves getting anything else.

Are you purposely being this ignorant ??

Care to explain?? or Just throwing out words?

No. . .

The op says that if they cant be IN VOID FORM all the time ; they should gave them the option to be “HIGH ELVE” all the time.



Was literally going to say this dude is hands down trolling
Edit typo

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Not explaining jack when multiple people already have. I think you’re just purposely being ignorant, get a life man.