Can we *please* get a Toggle for Void Form?

lol basically

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The void form would be permanent but when their racial procs, their pretty blue high elf eyes appear all over their body.

I know. I read the post.

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you are trying to complain in a post that doesnt need to have complaints about high elfs . Its not relevant to what op was asking at all .

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Well after several years of high elf whine since legion that over shadowed min -maxers whine of ML loss. Cosmetic appearance beating functionality . Its a safe assumption :rofl:

Good, because you were turning the thread into something it wasn’t.


If you notice a lot of people don’t actually
Bother to read the whole post. They see a sminch they don’t like then automatically talk crap

To be fair, the cosmetic form of their buff would look so cool. It certainly beats current shadow fart form lol

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Well thats pretty obvious

When you tell people in a post “don’t do this, don’t do that” its like inviting them to actually do it.

Heat cool I’m glad u noticed


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Read the full post ffs, wats wrong with yu people?.

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uh thats what people are supposed to do here so yea and ? its still not my problem lol

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You guys are actually pathetic

Aww thanks baby, you’re trash too. HUGS

Same, they just don’t wanna feel stupid for mis comprehending the post.

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Nope its a choice , you made to reply back . Nobody forced you now did they ??

Scroll up genius, I actually apologized for my first response. Before you insult and talk down to someone, try not making yourself look like a short bus kid in the process.

never said they did why you so aggressive ? lol chill