Can we *please* get a Toggle for Void Form?

HOW are you confused that she wants a toggle option ? LOL what is so confusing ?

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i did, i just wanted to focus on that point. The part of “some of us accept”, and i wanted to show up, 100% are supposed to accept that you as a void elf is not a high elf period.
Simple that, nothing more.
i find it quite annoying how void elves reputation procedes to high elves alternative or just an excuse to put high elves into the alliance
i like void elves, they are cooler than blue-eyes alliance betrayers high elves, they are their own concept and most people out there never respected this race at all, it really makes me sad having to watch such a thing.
Void elves are not a high elf substitute!

Because calling it a toggle option implies she want you to be able to opt in/out of it. Instead of saying that a majority of people didn’t read it, maybe the simpler conclusion is that it was worded poorly.


Apparently Op was trying to get their point across which they didn’t do a good job of and somehow their lack of writing skills is not an issue .

i understood it just fine


Pretty sure you understood it wrong :rofl:

apparently people have a lack of reading , i understood what op was saying just fine


nope just you

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Cool story bro. :clap:

right thanks so much :smile:

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Oh so now its just me and not everyone else. Awesome backtracking :clap:

OP wasnt saying they were? Dont turn this into a high elf thread . They were asking to have void form on all the time .


you quoted me tho so not my problem ?

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This is probably why people are confused. :slightly_smiling_face:

You replied back though , you made it your problem

A point that had nothing to do with what the OP wants.

Your entire rant here is also contrary to what the OP asked for.

Toggle on for permanent effect, toggle off and it’s no different than it is now, just popping up with the buff.

Not just them. Pretty much everyone else in here, aside from a couple few of us. LOL

Op, I owe you an apology. I really only read the title, looked at the pic, scanned a few words, saw “high elf” and chastised you. Having read the entire post, I’m onboard. I think void elves should go full eldritch when entering into combat just like worgen. That way you can be a pretty pretty high elf until you accidentally step on a rat that is glitched under the floor and it doesnt die so you’re a tentacle monster until you log out. Yes, do this.

Lol what even is happening in here?
People read “void elf” and just assume it’s another high elf thread.

The idea is cool and all not sure how they could implement something like permanent void buff form unless they add it as another skin tone at the barber and in battle have the buff proc as usual .


avoid elfs are not a race tho jokes aside , maybe instead of insulting others on how they couldn’t get their point across maybe idk spell better so people can understand you ?

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she dont need to, im simple dealing with a general concept.

you®re missing my point so i will leave it there